Tag: Culture

Another Annual Update on a New Zealand Emergency Department

It seems to be an annual event to see a news story about a New Zealand emergency department, Dunedin Hospital (not pictured at left)...

A Favorite Client: “The Synthesizer”

I had a good long chat with a former client (from my J&J days) the other day. I call him "The Synthesizer," and no...

Facebook’s Zuckerberg and Deming; Are Your Employees Afraid or Fearful?

Reminder: I'll be on "The Lean Nation" today at 4 PM (more details) In this article about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, "Inside Mark Zuckerberg's (rather...

Labor Day – Our Obligation for Worker Safety

Today is a federal holiday in the United States, Labor Day. I know that's obvious to the 70% of you reading from the U.S.,...

Top 10 Signs You’re In a Fear-Based Workplace

Dr. W. Edwards Deming always said we need to drive out fear from organizations, as point 8 of the 14 Points said: "Drive out fear,...

Interview with Bob Sutton, PhD on His Book ‘Good Boss, Bad...

Episode #97 is a discussion with Bob Sutton, a Stanford University Professor of Management Science and Engineering and the best-selling author of The No...

Another Hospital CEO Talks Lean Culture

Here's a great article with a number of quotes from William Considine, the CEO of Akron Children's Hospital in Ohio. The article, from the...

A First-Person Lean Leadership Story from John Toussaint, MD

I've had the pleasure to work with Dr. John Toussaint, CEO of the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value, over the past year.  John's...

Lean Leads to Green, Which Supports Lean

Forgive me if some Texas pride comes through in this post, as well as some former-client pride. The clinical laboratory team at Children's Medical...

Ships Passing in the Night – China Builds U.S. Factories

In an era where it was a "no brainer" to move factories to China, chasing cheap labor, the Lean world has often spoken out...

Right Method, Wrong Culture

I heard a great line from an Emergency Department doc and physician leader yesterday. Talking about his hospital's Lean efforts, he said, simply: "Data should...

Lessons from a “Like Lean” Millionaire

Listen to my podcast with Nick One of my blog themes is the idea of "Like Lean" - practices that seem very much like the...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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