Tag: Culture

Reminder, Monday Night – Talking at Lean Software Austin Gathering

As a former Austin resident ("Keep Austin Weird!"), I'm happy to be heading down I-35 from Fort Worth to attend the Lean Software Austin...

Las Vegas Paper Writes Series on Patient Safety Failings, Hospital Culture

I found this lengthy series of articles from the Las Vegas Sun, published under the heading of  "Do No Harm: Hospital Care in...

Tampa Bay Business Journal Features Lean at Moffitt Cancer Center

The full article requires a subscription, but John Toussaint and I were each quoted in this article from last Friday: "Toyota techniques drive profit,...

$500k in Stimulus Money for Lean Healthcare Training – Then What?

This headline jumped out at me: "Local hospital receives $500,000 to train workers." What also jumped out at me, in the article, is that the...

A Brief Video Look into Lean at VIBCO

I may have shared this video before, but it's worth taking a quick video peek into one of my favorite companies - VIBCO. When...

Avoiding the Risks of Using Glib Quotes in Patient Safety Discussions

Yesterday, I tweeted a quote about patient safety that I've seen posted on the wall or bulletin board in many hospitals: "To err is human,...

Got Waste? Who Ya Gonna Call?

Last week, I gave the keynote talk at a hospital's twice-yearly lean conference for leaders and staff. As part of the seasonal decorations around...

Guest Post – Lean Myth: Lean is Stressful for Workers

Mark's Note: Today's post is by David Veech, the Executive Director of the Institute for Lean Systems. A fear or anxiety that people often...

Seth Godin Catches All Manufacturers, Unfairly, in his “Factory Thinking” Net

I really like Seth Godin's writing - his blog on marketing is one that I have followed regularly for years and his book Purple...

A Breath of Lean Positivity – Paul Akers and FastCap

I had an amazing conversation on Saturday with Paul Akers (pictured at left), the founder and president of FastCap, a company in Washington, a...

Another Annual Update on a New Zealand Emergency Department

It seems to be an annual event to see a news story about a New Zealand emergency department, Dunedin Hospital (not pictured at left)...

A Favorite Client: “The Synthesizer”

I had a good long chat with a former client (from my J&J days) the other day. I call him "The Synthesizer," and no...
Special $2.99 Kindle Price - "The Mistakes That Make Us"Buy Now
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