Tag: Culture
Lean Methods to Improve Cardiac Surgery Featured in Annals of Thoracic...
Hat tip to my friend and fellow Productivity Press author Naida Grunden for pointing out an article she is a co-author on, "Improving Patient...
A Chance for Learning and Mentoring in DFW – Industry and...
I want to tell you about an event I'm helping to plan for people in the DFW area. This is a small, by-invitation event,...
Reminder, Monday Night – Talking at Lean Software Austin Gathering
As a former Austin resident ("Keep Austin Weird!"), I'm happy to be heading down I-35 from Fort Worth to attend the Lean Software Austin...
Las Vegas Paper Writes Series on Patient Safety Failings, Hospital Culture
I found this lengthy series of articles from the Las Vegas Sun, published under the heading of "Do No Harm: Hospital Care in...
Tampa Bay Business Journal Features Lean at Moffitt Cancer Center
The full article requires a subscription, but John Toussaint and I were each quoted in this article from last Friday: "Toyota techniques drive profit,...
$500k in Stimulus Money for Lean Healthcare Training – Then What?
This headline jumped out at me: "Local hospital receives $500,000 to train workers."
What also jumped out at me, in the article, is that the...
A Brief Video Look into Lean at VIBCO
I may have shared this video before, but it's worth taking a quick video peek into one of my favorite companies - VIBCO. When...
Avoiding the Risks of Using Glib Quotes in Patient Safety Discussions
Yesterday, I tweeted a quote about patient safety that I've seen posted on the wall or bulletin board in many hospitals:
"To err is human,...
Got Waste? Who Ya Gonna Call?
Last week, I gave the keynote talk at a hospital's twice-yearly lean conference for leaders and staff. As part of the seasonal decorations around...
Guest Post – Lean Myth: Lean is Stressful for Workers
Mark's Note: Today's post is by David Veech, the Executive Director of the Institute for Lean Systems. A fear or anxiety that people often...
Seth Godin Catches All Manufacturers, Unfairly, in his “Factory Thinking” Net
I really like Seth Godin's writing - his blog on marketing is one that I have followed regularly for years and his book Purple...
A Breath of Lean Positivity – Paul Akers and FastCap
I had an amazing conversation on Saturday with Paul Akers (pictured at left), the founder and president of FastCap, a company in Washington, a...