Tag: Culture

Lean Culture Video from University Health Network (Toronto)

Here's a nice video that popped up on YouTube from the Toronto-area University Health Network system, with healthcare professionals talking about how Lean has...

What Makes a Hospital Great? Culture

This has been sitting in my "to blog about" queue since March, but I wanted to catch up and post this article: "What Makes...

A Lean Guy Reads Inc. Magazine, July/August 2011

The articles from the July/August 2011 issue of Inc. Magazine aren't online yet, but there are two things I wanted to go ahead and...

Preventing Brain Surgery Errors… Not Exactly Rocket Science

Thanks to those of you who sent me the link to this Washington Post article called "The Pain of Wrong Site Surgery." The piece...

Dr. Gawande’s Commencement Address: Cowboys or Pit Crews?

Most (all?) of us here did NOT graduate from Harvard Medical School last week. But, we all can read the commencement address that was...

Everybody Deserves Workplace Respect – Even the T.S.A.

As somebody who flies about 75,000 miles a year, I am far too acquainted with the Transportation Security Administration and their annoyances (to the...

Talk Preview – “Why Your Hospital Should be Like a Factory…...

When hospital people say they don't want to be a factory or "we don't want assembly-line medicine," the statement often goes unchallenged. What is...

HealthLeaders Article: Systemwide Process Improvement

It's great to see Lean mentioned in mainstream healthcare management publications, such as the article in HealthLeaders (print and online) called "Systemwide Process Improvement."...

Questions about and Lessons from a Steering Wheel Falling Off

In the news yesterday, a General Motors recall over what could be just one isolated steering wheel problem in an Ohio-built Chevrolet (don't call...

Management Journal Article about Children’s Medical Center Dallas

I am happy to share, with permission, a new journal article that I co-authored with Jim Adams ("The Synthesizer"), the senior director of laboratory...

Command-and-Control Killed this Cosmonaut? Lessons for Our Organizations…

Lean is not a "command and control" leadership and management model. The old command-and-control dynamic leads to so much poor quality and misery in...

An Astronaut’s Viewpoints on Systems & Patient Safety

Today, I'm sharing a brilliant Slate.com interview: "Risky Business: James Bagian "NASA astronaut turned patient safety expert" on Being Wrong." He's actually also an...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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