Tag: Culture

More Notes on Dr. Deming & “If Japan Can, Why Can’t...

Hopefully you've already seen the famed 1980 NBC documentary "If Japan Can, Why Can't We?" that featured Dr. W. Edwards Deming. I posted a link to the video and some notes on Part 1 of the broadcast. Today, I'd like to blog about Part 3 of the program...

Throwback Thursday: Humility is a Rare & Powerful Trait

Humility is an important part of the Lean management philosophy... it also means being willing to admit that there is a problem. Humility means "we don't really know so we must understand and then try many things to see if we have the right solution."

Going Cheap Vs. Leading and Being Lean

I've worked with a lot of companies whose primary operational strategy boils down to "cut costs". Others on Mark's blog have written about the many unintended consequences of cutting costs as a myopic strategy. But I'd like to share a trend among small manufacturers I've seen...

Podcast #228 – Zeynep Ton, “The Good Jobs Strategy”

Labor Day is Monday, so maybe it's appropriate that my guest for episode #228 of the podcast is Zeynep Ton, an Adjunct Associate Professor...

Football, Holistic Systems, and Challenging the Way It’s Always Been Done

Many of you might not care, but it's football season. Major college football starts tomorrow night and the NFL kicks off their season next...

Kaizen Hints from Heloise, or, If Kaizen is Common Sense, Why...

I'm a big nerd in that I love reading newspapers basically cover to cover. I'm a nerd in many ways, I guess. You don't...

Says Jack Dorsey: It’s an “Organizational Failure” if the CEO Has...

Jack Dorsey is well known among tech circles, as a co-founder of Twitter (he's @Jack) and, now, as the CEO of Square. I'm a...

Cleaning out the Backlog: 3P in the NHS, “Secret” HAI Weapons,...

As I sometimes do, I'm going to close out a bunch of browser tabs (which makes my Mac run faster) and I'll do that...

Throwback Thursday: 23 Tweets I Might Have Sent in 2002

I have been going through some old papers recently and I found two sheets of paper with hand-written thoughts or "truisms" that I had scribbled...

Guest Post from a Hospital CEO: Lean’s a Journey, Not a...

Mark's note: Today's post is written by Gary Passama, the CEO of NorthBay Healthcare in northern California. He is an active blogger on the...

Podcast #218 – Karen Kiel-Rosser, Baldrige & Mary Greeley Medical Center

My guest for episode #218 is Karen Kiel-Rosser, Vice President/Quality Improvement Officer at Mary Greeley Medical Center in Iowa. You can see her full bio...

Podcast #215 – John Ervin, Lean & Patient Safety in the...

Listen Today's guest is my friend John Ervin and we were able to sit down together here in San Antonio to record this episode. John has...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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