Tag: Culture
Lessons from the NUMMI 10th Anniversary Book Published in 1994
I did manage to buy a book that was published by NUMMI to celebrate their 10th anniversary. "10 Years of Quality & Teamwork" is the title.
Here is the cover and I'll share a few things that caught my attention inside. It's interesting to think through this book in the context of :
Tesla (the current owners of the building - see my past blog post)
Healthcare organizations
What’s Going on at Tesla? Is Elon Musk Following up on...
There's a lot to admire about Elon Musk. I admire his risk taking and his entrepreneurial spirit. I use PayPal a lot (one of his early companies) and I admire the innovation of Tesla and SpaceX. But, I question how much Musk and Tesla have been willing to learn from Toyota or people like Paul O'Neill.
Podcast #297 – JJ Villarreal, Ed.D. on #Lean in Public Education
My guest for Episode #297 is John (JJ) Villareal, Ed.D., the superintendent of the Rockwall I.S.D. here in the Dallas area.
In this podcast, we talk about the applications of Lean in education, how to move beyond what JJ calls "the behavior waste of judgment and blame," and how visiting a factory was inspiring and helpful, among other topics.
Even if you don't work in education, I hope you'll be inspired by this podcast.
Podcast #294 – Clay Linkous, Studer Group Principles & #Lean
Joining me for episode #294 is Clay Linkous, an account leader and speaker with Studer Group. He is an accomplished cultural transformation and leadership expert who has synthesized Lean and other improvement methods with Studer Group principles and practices.
Today, we'll talk about Clay's career and his purpose and motivations - both for working in healthcare and improving healthcare. We're both firm believers in the combination of Studer and Lean practices, so we're also discussing that as our main topic.
I hope you enjoy the discussion!
Lean, Leadership, and Employee Engagement at Whirlpool
I recently read this article on the IndustryWeek website:
Whirlpool's Green Takes Aim at World Class Manufacturing
Byron Green, the vice president of manufacturing for Whirlpool's 14 factories in the U.S. and Mexico, said:
"...manufacturing was littered with companies that saw lean as a collection of tools that could be deployed for a quick win. Successful companies, he said, instead see it as a bedrock of their culture."....
Adventures in #Lean Healthcare Hiring, Part 2
I recently blogged about a healthcare improvement job posting that had me scratching my head when the interviewing process included an process improvement exercise...
Has the #Lean Movement Failed to Learn from Dr. #Deming’s Mistake?
One book about the late, great W. Edwards Deming that's been on my shelf for a while is The Deming Management Method, which was written by Mary Walton, a journalist who spent some time with Dr. Deming in the 1980s. There's a section that really made me think about Lean over the past few decades (and it might seem familiar to those who use Six Sigma or other methods).
#TBT: Idea-Driven Organizations are Still a Great Idea
Today, we're looking back at a podcast that I did back in 2015 with Alan G. Robinson, PhD, co-author of many books including The Idea-Driven Organization....
Do you need to make it mandatory to participate in continuous...
Every month or two, Greg Jacobson, MD and I have an "Ask Us Anything" video discussion with questions submitted by members of our KaiNexus...
Is it a “Lean Transformation” or a “Lean Metamorphosis?
Another in the series of "do words matter?" posts... do phrases like "Lean Transformation" resonate as much as "Business Transformation?"
Not All Improvement Ideas Require “Projects”
In this post, I share some thoughts and build upon one of the presentations at last week's Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, where, Tim Pehrson, a regional CEO for Intermountain Healthcare, talked about how they piloted a continuous improvement process in one region... and how they're now spreading it throughout the system. This leads to confusion, in online discussion, about terms like projects, suggestions, ideas, and such...
Upcoming John Toussaint Webinar: Five Changes Great Healthcare Leaders Make to...
How big is the opportunity for improvement in healthcare? As Dr. Toussaint's hand gesture, above, indicates... it's a huge opportunity. There's a huge need.