Tag: Command and Control

Eisenhower on Leadership, Sounds like a Lean Thinker to Me

You might think that "command and control" leadership styles are a thing of the past. But, old habits die slowly and many leaders today still seem to have a mental model that longs for a workforce that would "just do what they're told." What did former President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower say about leaders who are "hitting people over the head?" I blog about that here...

What Do the “The Toyota Way” Books Say About Visual Metrics?

As I've been writing about "process behavior charts" - a simple, yet effective method for charting and reacting to (or not overreacting to) metrics, it's made curious what some of the modern Toyota books say about metrics and performance measures.... or at least the first two in The Toyota Way series.

Why and How This Pizza Restaurant Owner Engages People Through Kaizen

A culture of continuous improvement is really powerful - in a pizza restaurant or any type of workplace. It engages Milennials and people from other generations too...

“The reign of the king-leader is gone” at GM? What about...

I was happy to see an engineer (Chemical Engineering) and a General Motors leader, Alicia Boler Davis, on the cover of the Northwestern University...

Mr. Burns From the Simpsons is, No Surprise, a Safety Hypocrite

We can probably all use a mid-week chuckle... I used to be a die hard fan of The Simpsons. I've drifted away from watching...

There’s a HUGE Problem with Donald Trump’s Outdated and Dangerous Definition...

I generally avoid politics here on the blog... In October, I broached the subject when I blogged about a company that uses Lean principles...

Never Tell a Person What to Do… So, Here’s What You...

At KaiNexus, we love our customers and we're constantly impressed by what they're saying and, more importantly,what they're doing and accomplishing. We recently published a...

What Bad Managers, Good Managers, and Great Managers Do

Today's post is something that I wrote for a broader LinkedIn audience, but might have meaning and significance to my Lean readers: "What Bad Managers,...

Standardized Work: “Unity in the Essential, Liberty in the Non-Essential…”

Our Kaizen Institute guide, Brad Schmidt (pictured above) talked to us on Monday about standardized work. He said, of the practice at Toyota, that...

Command-and-Control Killed this Cosmonaut? Lessons for Our Organizations…

Lean is not a "command and control" leadership and management model. The old command-and-control dynamic leads to so much poor quality and misery in...

Quelling Command and Control Thinking

QW: Freedom from command This might make for interesting reading in conjunction with the earlier piece on a Lean Air Force. Consultant and writer John Seddon...

Most businesses are "Soviet" in character?

WSJ.com - Workers of Europe Innovate (subscription required) Great article in the WSJ today about a company in France that sounds like it's doing many...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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