Tag: Change

#TBT: This Former Healthcare CEO’s Advice on Engaging Staff, Not Issuing...

Today's post doesn't throw back too far... it looks back at a post from just last month: "Doctors Get Upset With Being Pushed, Bad...

Don’t Blame the Non Buyer for Not Buying Into Your Change...

Tuesday, Dr. Greg Jacobson and I did a webinar together titled "How to Get Buy In for Improvement." When we ask people, "What are your...

It might be too late to get “Buy In” by the...

Another question I get thrown at me very often is something along the lines of “How do we get more buy in for ______” with that space being filled with Lean, Kaizen, 5S, using the EMR system, improvement, or any number of terms. If you do a Google search for Lean “lack of buy in”...

Offering My ExperienceChange Workshop in San Antonio, January 27 & Dallas,...

I’ve blogged before about facilitating the fun and exciting “ExperienceChange” workshop. I’m going to be offering this workshop again in San Antonio on January 27. It’s going to be a small group, with no more than 10 participants...

Webinar Recording – Why Change Management and Lean Are So Important

Yesterday, I did a webinar about the "ExperienceChange" workshops that I'm facilitating and would love to bring to your organization. In the webinar, the first part talks about the need for change management practices and higher levels of employee engagement...

Better Change Leadership as a Countermeasure to “Resistance to Lean”

Having a model like this helps prevent errors, such as jumping to implement Lean tools before the organization understands WHY change is necessary. You have to engage and enroll people in change, not just force things on them. I am convinced that the ExperienceChange simulations, either Lakeview or GlobalTech, are a great way to learn and practice.

The Kaizen Approach to Getting Others Comfortable with Sushi

I'll be blogging a lot more about my recent trip to Japan with Kaizen Institute, including the site visits and our lessons learned. I had...

Fighting “We’ve Always Done It This Way” in Workplaces & Baseball

I found a picture (posted by Jamie Voster on LinkedIn) and I re-shared it through my account. Neither Jamie nor I know where the...

Struggle with Change? Engagement Kata, The Essential Tool in the Innovation...

Mark's Note: Today's post is by Dr. Mark Jaben, following up our recent podcast discussion. See his previous guest posts.  Hidden brain --------------> prefrontal cortex...

Guest Post: The Best #Lean Offense Isn’t Defense

Mark's note: Christina Kach is our guest blogger today, with a post written on a flight back from visiting what's considered to be one...

Podcast #193 – Mark Jaben, MD on Lean, Change, and Our...

My guest for episode #193 is Mark Jaben, MD, talking about our brains, Lean, and change. Mark has been a guest blogger for me...

Video: Influencing Hand Hygiene Behaviors

A friend shared this fun video about how to influence hand washing behavior amongst a group of 12 kids. As the introduction points out,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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