Tag: Change

Challenging Outdated Practices: The Conflict Between Evidence and Habit in Lean...

tl;dr: In this post, Mark explores the tension between traditional habits and current scientific evidence in Lean management practices. He delves into how old...

Effective and Sustainable Lean Transformation Requires Effective Change Leadership

I was first introduced to the ExperienceChange simulations about ten years ago when I already had more than ten years of experience trying to...

Podcast #335 – Barry O’Reilly on the Need to “Unlearn”

It's two Barrys in a row on the podcast, as my guest for Episode #335 is Barry O'Reilly and we're talking, in depth, about...

To Get Your Personal or Professional Changes Back on Track, Focus...

I've published my most recent article on LinkedIn (and you can also read it on Medium.com if you don't have LinkedIn access). The article begins: "What...

Is Learning Something New Easier Than Unlearning What We Already Know?

Thanks to Catalysis for asking me to write a guest blog post... yesterday, they published this: Being Open to Learning and Using Process Behavior Charts...

Upcoming KaiNexus Webinars: A3 Software & Easing the Pain of Change

We have two free webinars coming up in the next week, hosted by KaiNexus. I hope you can join us. Oh, as a reminder, I'm doing a Measures of Success webinar this Friday, the 22nd. The webinars are: The Lowdown on A3 Software [Demo] How to Ease the Pain of Change

Podcast #292 – The Co-Authors of “Motivational Interviewing for Leadership”

My guests for Episode 292 are the three co-authors of an excellent book, Motivational Interviewing for Leadership: MI-LEAD: Jason Wilcox, Director of Education and Connected Care at VA Roseburg Dr. Brian Kersh, Clinical Psychologist at New Mexico VA Health System Dr. Elizabeth Jenkins, Clinical Psychologist/Courtesy Assistant Professor at University of South Florida

Change Champions at Franciscan St. Francis Health – in Supply Chain...

Today, I'd like to share the second in my series of articles about "Champions of Change." Here, we feature my friends at Franciscan St. Francis,...

Am I “Resistant to Change” When it Comes to iPhones?

When I was recently considering switching from an iPhone 6S to a newer iPhone 8 Plus (or an iPhone X), I wrote this post...

Change: Desire, Ability, Reason, Need, and Commitment (or That DARNCAT)

I'm excited to be attending the annual Lean Coaching Summit today through Thursday in Austin. If you're there, please say hi! Today, I've registered to take a class on a topic that I've taken an interest in over the past few years: "Motivational Interviewing," or MI for short. I'm hoping to learn more about coaching people through their stages of "change talk," as related to Lean and organizational change... and that's what today's post is about.

Tips on Change Management

I was honored that Daniel Lock Consulting asked for my thoughts on change management that they included in this article that includes thoughts from...

Is Calling People “Concrete Heads” the Most Effective Lean Change Strategy?

When did the term "concrete head" start getting thrown around in Lean circles? Do people still use this label today? Is it helpful? Should we agree that the term is disrespectful and counter productive?
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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