Tag: Books

LeanBlog Review: Toyota Talent

Toyota Talent is the third, and newest, book in the "Toyota Way" series: The Toyota Way, written by Dr. Jeffrey Liker The Toyota Way Fieldbook, by...

Freakonomics and Lean

Freakonomics: Official SiteI know this wouldn't count as "leisure reading" for many folks, but I'm reading (and very much enjoying) the book Freakonomics: A...

Not Neatness for Neatness Sake

MSN Careers - Is a Messier Desk Better? I was going to blog about this book before and Dan Markovitz had beaten me to it....

Is There "Standard Work" for Clinical Care?

Marketplace: Better health care through better informationThis commentator points out some shocking waste in the healthcare system:Although cancer doctors work long hours, they still...

Competition, Lean Accounting, and Baseball

Russell Roberts on Cafe Hayek had an interesting commentary the other day about the Power of Competition, relaying a bit of the story of...

New Book, "Toyota Talent:" Out NOW

Toyota TalentUpdate 5/6/07: The book is now shipping from AmazonI had the pleasure of reading a pre-publication version of this new book from...

"Toyota Talent" out April 29

Amazon.com: Toyota Talent: Books: Jeffrey Liker,David MeierThis has been an exciting week for me. Monday, I met David Mann, author of Creating A...

Lean Killed Rover?

Driving on the wrong side of the road -- the myth of Japanese efficiency in car manufacturingA new book is out attacking Lean. ...

Dwight Bowen Podcast with Pascal Dennis

Lean Thinking Network | Competing Podcast » Interview with Pascal Dennis Part 1Pascal Dennis interview Part 2 - OperationsDwight Bowen, someone I consider...

Free Peeks into Lean Books

lean - Google Book SearchA friend just tipped me off to this Google feature, the ability to view limited pages from books, including a...

My Stack of Books: Raw Material and WIP

I love books. I'd also love to have more time to read books, or finish books. People often ask me what I'm...

Mark on the “Better Process” Podcast

PodcasterNews - Industry Report Mark and Dwight for a Lean RoundtableI am appearing again on Ken Rayment's "Better Process" Podcast, the link is above.In...
Special $2.99 Kindle Price - "The Mistakes That Make Us"Buy Now
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