Tag: Bonini

Toyota Was Helped, not Hampered, by TPS During the Pandemic

A culture of learning makes the difference, not "low inventory" Last year, I wrote a post that criticized those, including the Wall St Journal, who...

Throwback Thursday: Are We Training the Right People on Lean?

I'm teaching a daylong class on Lean healthcare today in San Antonio. It's something I've done twice a year for the past four years...

How Toyota Gets Organizations Started with TPS

Last week, I mentioned it was the 25th anniversary of TSSC -- formerly known as the Toyota Supplier Support Center (it's now called the...

Some Great #Lean Videos from the State of Washington (@ResultsWA) on...

Here are some recorded keynote talks and video presentations from the "Results Washington" annual conference, as part of the state's Lean government efforts. See this post for talks from LEI's Jim Womack and John Shook, Toyota's Jamie Bonini, and many healthcare improvement leaders.

Lean is Not Just Process Improvement; It’s Much More Than That

In my travels, I often meet people or visit organizations that say something like: "We're doing Lean... we just call it Process Improvement." They have a "Process Improvement" (PI) department...

But Pigs and Corn Aren’t Cars! #Lean in Farming

I don't know anything about farming. The only time I spend on "farms" is visits to wineries that grow grapes, as I've blogged about...

Lean: The Toyota Production System is Mainly About the Philosophy

There's a triangle diagram on the TSSC webpage that describes an "integrated system" that consists of: technical methods, managerial methods, philosophy. All of this is "focused on people development," JamieĀ told me for the book. The model starts with people and human development in the middle, as "people are the most valuable resource," says Bonini.

“Practicing Lean:” Starting Out with Six Sigma

Today's post is an excerpt from the collaborative ebook project Practicing Lean. I wrote the first two chapters of the book and then asked others to contribute their early stories about mistakes and lessons learned.
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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