Tag: Blog Admin

#Lean Blog Updates: 7 Years of Blogging, eBook & Podcasts on...

Here are a few updates about my blog and my podcasts. For one, I've now been blogging for seven years now. I'll write a...

Free iPhone & Android App – “Lean Daily”

This is free app that's brought to you by a coalition of lean bloggers. Learn more about it or download it directly from the iTunes...

Mark Graban: Announcement on My Future Professional Direction (2011)

Today, I'm announcing an evolution of my work life: doing less with the Lean Enterprise Institute, doing more consulting and speaking, and starting to...

What’s In Store for 2011: Lean Blog and Mark Graban

Again, my apologies for writing about myself today, following up on my post about the upcoming 2nd edition of my book Lean Hospitals: Improving...

Announcement: Working on a 2nd Revised, New Edition of “Lean Hospitals”

Happy New Year! Today, I will have two posts that are embarrassingly self referential. Then back to normal stuff tomorrow. My main announcement is that...

Lean Blog Tech Tips (& Feedback Wanted)

If you'll indulge me, this is a post about some recent tech changes to LeanBlog.org and some tech features you might want to take...

My Site Got Hacked, But All Clear Now

Everything has been restored, except for the mobile version of my blog, that will be fixed ASAP. If you see any strange behavior (redirects, virus...

New Lean Blog Sponsor: 5Ssupply.com

I'd like to welcome a new advertiser to LeanBlog.org -- it's 5S Supply, found online at www.5Ssupply.com. I've talked with the owner, Tony Manos, and...

My Lean Message Board is No More

This is news that won't even disappoint a handful of people... I'm shutting down my "Lean Board" companion site that I started at www.leanboard.org...

Back from Vacation (Mostly)

I'm back from vacation. My mind is still somewhat there after a full two weeks' away, the longest vacation I've ever taken. It's tough...

Happy Nurses Week!

I would like to say a sincere "Happy Nurses Week" though, to the nurses who are reading. As I said on Twitter yesterday: Happy Nurses...

How I Broke My Blog and Fixed It… Lessons Learned

For those of you who have had difficulty accessing LeanBlog.org for the past two weeks or so, I apologize. It's been frustrating to me...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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