Tag: Blame

Exceptional Efforts in Imperfect Circumstances – Celebrated or Lamented?

Here's a thought starter for a Monday morning - I'm looking forward to hearing your perspectives. A few weeks ago, I heard a leader...

Is Ford’s Resurgence Due to a Less Blame-y Culture Under Alan...

Mark's note: It's great to welcome Andy Wagner back to the blog. Read his older posts here. General Motors, Chrysler, and Toyota have been dominating...

Of 777s and Heart Rate Monitors

In recent years, healthcare has been learning a lot of lessons from aviation -- including checklists and "Crew Resource Management," as written about in...

How the Gold Medal Puck Was Almost Lost

As an American, and a Red Wings fan, it pains me, in a way, to write about Sidney Crosby and the Canadian team's overtime...

Detroit Firefighter Not Thinking, Parks on Train Tracks

We had a lot of spirited debate last week around the case of the pharmacist who was jailed after the tragic medical-mistake death of...

A Pharmacist’s Jail Cell Interview – What Good Does Blame Do?

Here's one to ponder and comment on - does putting a pharmacist in jail for six months and ruining his career and life do...

Of Course An Individual Got Blamed for this TSA Airport Security...

Update (1/7/10): Turns out the TSA agent walked away from his post. I'd certainly hold someone accountable for that, since it was a conscious...

"McDreamy" Fights the Blame Game on "Grey’s Anatomy"

Grey's Anatomy : I Saw What I Saw I'm not normally a Grey's Anatomy watcher (yeah, right, some of you might say... but I'm not)....

“No Blame” Doesn’t Mean “No Accountability”

Wachter's World : Physician Accountability for Violation of Safety Rules: The Time For Excuses Has Passed I think Bob Wachter has it completely right in...

Silver Bullets and Easy Answers — Always Appealing

While in Boston, I'm getting the chance to sit in on some sessions of an MIT Seminar in Healthcare Systems Innovation. Today, the session that...

Former Lehman CEO Blames His Former Employees, but so do Some...

From Lehman's Wreckage, New Lives - WSJ.com:Disgraced Lehman CEO Dick Fuld says in this WSJ piece:"'I spent too much time out of the office...

Jerry Jones is NOT a Lean Thinker, Apparently?

Giant video board in new Cowboys stadium causes problems for Titans punter - The Huddle - USATODAY.com Are you ready for some football???? OK, so nobody...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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