Tag: Blame

“Blame & Shame” is Shameful

Many leaders in healthcare (including John Toussaint, Paul Levy, and others) are working to eliminate the "name, blame, and shame" culture that often exists...

Blame the Stanford Kicker! Blame the Kicker?

At first I thought this post was stretching this week's blog theme of applying Lean principles in everyday life, but I think it actually...

A Lean Guy Reads the Globe and Mail – Shoelaces &...

I was in Canada a few weeks back and two articles from the Globe and Mail newspaper caught my eye - stories from England...

KaiNexus Education Video #2 – Focus on Processes, not People

Charity Auction Update - the total raised in the round 1 auctions = $951.37 (plus $40 in Amazon affiliate fees from people buying items...

What Makes a Hospital Great? Culture

This has been sitting in my "to blog about" queue since March, but I wanted to catch up and post this article: "What Makes...

Stopping the Blame Game

This one got stuck in the "stuff to blog about" pile for a few months, but HBR published a gem of an article called...

Questions about and Lessons from a Steering Wheel Falling Off

In the news yesterday, a General Motors recall over what could be just one isolated steering wheel problem in an Ohio-built Chevrolet (don't call...

An Astronaut’s Viewpoints on Systems & Patient Safety

Today, I'm sharing a brilliant Slate.com interview: "Risky Business: James Bagian "NASA astronaut turned patient safety expert" on Being Wrong." He's actually also an...

Blog Post About Preventable Errors Felled by Preventable Error

So Monday's blog post was about preventable medical errors - namely errors involving pharmacies giving the wrong meds or wrong doses to patients. That's...

Systems in Place to Prevent These Medication Errors? Seems Not…

A few weeks ago, I saw a horrific story about a retail pharmacy error in the article "Pharmacy Mistakenly Gives Pregnant Woman Abortion Pill."...

Podcast #113 – Aubrey Daniels, PhD, “Safe by Accident?”

Episode #113 is a discussion with Aubrey Daniels, PhD, the founder and chairman of his firm Aubrey Daniels International. Today, we are talking about...

10 Key Lean Mindsets for Healthcare

I really enjoyed having the chance to be in Cincinnati yesterday to participate in a Lean Healthcare workshop put on by TechSolve, a non-profit...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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