Tag: Berwick

Dr. Donald Berwick – Ahead of his Time on Kaizen in...

I've blogged before about Dr. Donald M. (Don) Berwick, the founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and the former administrator of the Centers...

Berwick Steps Down as Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) Administrator

This made news on Wednesday - Dr. Donald M. (Don) Berwick stepped down as CMS Administrator: "Harvard professor Don Berwick resigns as Medicare chief."...

Collected Quality & Cost Results from Healthcare Value Network Members

I was at the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value office a few months ago when Dr. John Toussaint reported that he had gotten a...

Denver Health’s Lean Patient Safety Improvements on PBS’ NewsHour

On June 30, the PBS NewsHour program did a 7-minute story on healthcare improvement (featuring Lean and Toyota methods) at Denver Health. You can also...

Vote for Real Healthcare Leaders in Modern Healthcare’s “Most 100 Influential”...

Vote for this year's "Modern Healthcare's Most 100 Influential" list. Click here. Sadly, Dr. John Toussaint is not on the list of nominees. I voted for...

Lean Blog Week in Review #4 – September 26, 2010

Here is the latest in my "Week in Review" series for the week ending 9/26/10, featuring stories about a Toyota tour, a Don Berwick...

Berwick: Don’t Reduce Helpful Care, Don’t Expect Top-Down Solutions from D.C.

I was a supporter of Dr. Donald Berwick's nomination to head CMS (Medicare and Medicaid at a federal level) - not due to politics...

Lean Healthcare at Denver Health is Front-Page News

It's nice to see examples of Lean Healthcare success in the news, this time on the front page of the Denver Post -- "Denver...

Two Extreme Sides to Every Story in Politics *and* Lean??

This is going to seem like a political rant, but I promise this is mainly a post about Lean and healthcare, or at least...

Highlights from Shingo Prize Conference, Day 1

I'm here at the Shingo Prize conference for the second year in a row. Lots of good networking and talks/panels. I'll share a few...

Dr. Don Berwick, Supporter of Lean Healthcare, to be New Obama...

Dr. Donald Berwick (bio), founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, has reportedly named by President Obama to head Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...

Dr. Berwick and Lean in Business Week

Donald Berwick: Curing the Healthcare System - BusinessWeek Good exposure for the applicability and use of Lean concepts in healthcare in BusinessWeek. Dr. Berwick is...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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