Tag: Aviation

#TBT: Talking to a Friend of Captain “Sully” About Patient Safety

OK, it's Tuesday... "Throwback Tuesday." I'll make that a thing. Somebody I really appreciated getting to know, before her retirement from healthcare improvement work, was...

The Need for Standardized Work When Ordering Whiskey

Ah, whiskey. I like whiskey. I’m not afraid to say that. I’ve blogged about whiskey (or whisky) once before: Why Kaizen is an Important Differentiator for Japanese Whisky. I also have a personal Kaizen story that I need to write about...

Podcast #246 – Steve Montague, a Pilot’s Viewpoints on Lean Healthcare,...

Listen: Episode #246 is my second episode in recognition of Patient Safety Awareness Week. My guest is Steve Montague, who talked about Lean and Crew Resource Management...

When Warnings Aren’t Given or Heeded, People Die: Planes, Ice Cream...

In healthcare, it's a well-known problem that people often don't speak up to point out risks or to report near misses. It's an organizational...

Helpful Visuals for an International Flight, a Hospital, or a Dentist

My wife and I are getting ready to leave tomorrow night for a two-week vacation, so it jogged my memory about this story I...

Podcast #215 – John Ervin, Lean & Patient Safety in the...

Listen Today's guest is my friend John Ervin and we were able to sit down together here in San Antonio to record this episode. John has...

Throwback Thursday: GM Got Gamed & The Original Intent of Their...

Continuing the "Throwback Thursday" theme for the 10th anniversary of my blog, today's post looks back at and builds upon one of my favorites...

Podcast #195 – Steve Montague, Lean + TeamSTEPPS for Patient Safety

Joining me for episode #195 is my friend Steve Montague from LifeWings. Steve and I met initially through our shared interest in Lean and,...

Two Recent Wrong-Site Landings & Many Wrong-Side Surgeries

In healthcare patient safety circles, there's always a lot of discussion about lessons learned from aviation safety. Aviation has gotten much safer over the...

LinkedIn Article: How Can We Increase Cross Training to Better Serve...

Here is an article I posted yesterday to LinkedIn:  An Airline Worker's Lament: "They Won't Let Me Help You." On LinkedIn, I'm writing for a more...

What I’m Reading 12/30/13: GM’s CEO, Human Error, Costing, and Really...

To close out the year 2013, I once again need to close some browser tabs that are full of things that I was maybe...

LinkedIn Post: American Airlines Cannot or Will Not Serve Their Customers?

I wrote a post for the LinkedIn Influencers series: American Airlines Should Own Their Situation, Not Just Blame the Weather Looking at this problem (long phone...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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