Tag: Aviation

Employee Driven Improvement at Southwest

Seconds count for Southwest | Dallas Morning NewsHere was a nice article from the Dallas paper a week ago about kaizen-type activities at Southwest...

Darn Big Pieces on the Darn Big Loader

Big pieces of Boeing's 787 Dreamliner arrive | Seattle Times NewspaperThis is really Kevin Meyer's issue at Evolving Excellence, but I can't resist blogging...

Video: Boeing’s Moving Line

Here's an interesting video showing Boeing's 737 line, moving at a takt time pace of 2 inches per minute. The referenced video has been removed...

Boeing’s Lean Bet

Kevin Meyer at Evolving Excellence commented the other day on the Wall Street Journal article about Boeing's recent supply chain challenges. I'd like to...

Japan Airlines and "TPS"

JAL boss puts job on the line | FT business | The Australian JAL is planning on using the Toyota Production System as part of...

The TSA & Explaining "Why"?

Lean was on my brain traveling home yesterday. Mostly bad examples, but one thing jumped out at me, somewhat positive.I love the TPS...

The System Failed, 49 Killed

USATODAY.com - Error in Comair crash fairly common As a frequent flyer, this almost makes me physically sick to think about the systemic problems, the...

More on Airport Near Misses

I knew it when I first wrote about the latest "runway incursion" (near miss) at O'Hare. It seems too easy to pin the...

Lean Airports vs. Fat Airports

WSJ.com - Airports Start to Feel the Sting Of Airline Cost-Cutting EffortsFat airports? No, I'm not talking about the fast food concessions you...

Error Proofing Runways

USATODAY.com - Runway safety system has pilots seeing redThis counts as "everyday lean" if you fly a lot like I do. A...

Bad Visual Controls at Baggage Claim

This is at the Terminal B baggage claim at DFW airport. There are three lights. And two signs. You tell me,...
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