Tag: Audio

Lean: The Toyota Production System is Mainly About the Philosophy

There's a triangle diagram on the TSSC webpage that describes an "integrated system" that consists of: technical methods, managerial methods, philosophy. All of this is "focused on people development," Jamie told me for the book. The model starts with people and human development in the middle, as "people are the most valuable resource," says Bonini.

Lean Would Be a Solution for What These Nurses Complain About

In my time working with hospitals, I've always been very sympathetic to front-line nurses (and other staff). They are far too often overburdened and...

Some of My Recent KaiNexus Blog Posts: Toyota vs. Google, Kaizen,...

In addition to my blogging here, I write occasionally for our blog over at KaiNexus.com, where we have multiple contributors. I also do monthly webinars and the...

Toyota’s Japan Shutdown & Lessons for Hospitals (and Others)

I wrote a new piece for LinkedIn that I hope would be of interest to you even if you’re in healthcare. Why? It’s a story about what an organization does when you don’t have enough (or any) direct work for your front-line staff to do. Toyota would continue paying employees and would put them to...

Is This The One Question That Determines If You’re Truly a...

I get asked a lot, “How do you know if a hospital is truly ‘Lean?'” Nobody is ever perfect or “fully Lean,” but you could ask, “How do you know if somebody is on a legitimate Lean transformation journey?” If you could only ask one question...

Kaizen Live! 2016 – See a Culture of Continuous Improvement at...

Last year, Joe Swartz and I hosted a workshop at his organization, Franciscan St. Francis Health in Indianapolis. We called it “Kaizen Live!” and it was designed as an opportunity to see a culture of continuous improvement – what does it look like? What do people say?We lay this out in our Healthcare Kaizen books...

How Failed Lean Implementations Are Like a Bad Home Theater System

Alternate title: “Lean is an Integrated System. Of Course Just Implementing Pieces Leads to Failure.” Throughout the 10 years that I’ve been involved with Lean healthcare efforts, I’ve heard multiple stories of organizations that ended their formal Lean initiatives. They do so, as I’ve been told, because they need to cut costs...

HBR Article on Avoiding the Futility of Suggestion Systems

Burris has a new article on the Harvard Business Review website: “Employee Suggestion Schemes Don’t Have to Be Exercises in Futility” In my own work and travels, it’s hard to find anybody who has good things to say about suggestion boxes...

Debunking Criticisms of Lean and Taylorism in Healthcare: A Response to...

In the article posted today, Pamela Hartzband, M.D., and Jerome Groopman, M.D. (the later the author of the popular book How Doctors Think), rant about all sorts of things… some of which have nothing to do with Lean...

Wise Words from Mark Twain on Continuous Improvement and Perfection

A hat tip goes to Brian Buck for sharing this quote via email recently. Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, was a pithy and wise man. I didn't remember this quote, but it is attributed to him. It's very appropriate for the type of work we do...

Where Do Hospitals Get the Idea that Lean is Only About...

It's very frustrating when I hear people in healthcare complain that their hospital or health system has equated Lean with cost savings -- only focusing on cost reduction or primarily focusing on it...

Dr. Don Berwick is “Stunned” By How Few Organizations Study Deming

One of the first people in healthcare to be influenced by Deming’s work is Dr. Don Berwick, founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (at right in that picture). Berwick wrote about Deming’s ideas back in...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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