Tag: Audio

GM’s CEO Roger Smith Thought Toyota Had Magic, But This Was...

Thanks to this post by Bruce Hamilton (aka "Toast Guy" or "Old Lean Dude"), I was reminded of the old General Motors effort, spearheaded...

From 1994, But Relevant Today: “Why TQM Fails” & Parallels to...

Some of you reading this might remember the Total Quality Management (TQM) movement of the late 1980s and 1990s. Many would look back and label it a “fad.” As I’ve said about Lean, it’s only a fad to those who are susceptible to fads. As I blogged about in 2006, management is often prone to...

This Doctor is Upset About Something, But It Doesn’t Really Sound...

Now, there’s a story written by an emergency medicine physician, Dr. Brad Cotton, that appears in a publication called “Emergency Medicine News” — FIRST PERSON: ‘We Fired Our Hospital’...

The Need for Standardized Work When Ordering Whiskey

Ah, whiskey. I like whiskey. I’m not afraid to say that. I’ve blogged about whiskey (or whisky) once before: Why Kaizen is an Important Differentiator for Japanese Whisky. I also have a personal Kaizen story that I need to write about...

My LinkedIn Post on Bad Toast & Bad Management

Previously on LinkedIn, I've written about Kaizen in a wine bar and the need for restaurants to not blame employees for problems. Yesterday, I published my 50th post for their Influencers program: This Restaurant Server Sadly Explains a Widespread Management Problem...

If Your Hospital Wants to “Implement Lean,” You Need to Learn...

I've written before about the subject of hospitals "flexing" nurses and employees. I've criticized flexing (or the practice of sending employees home early because patient census is low) and I've pointed out that it's not keeping with "Lean" principles to "save money" by sending people home early.

Stuff I’m Reading May 2016: Bad Patient Experiences, Bad Workplaces &...

As is often the case, I have too many open browser tabs full of articles that I was going to potentially blog about. This slows...

NEJM Authors Double Down on Their Claim That #Lean & TPS...

You might remember the hubbub (and my earlier blog post) about this article that somehow appeared in the NEJM: "Medical Taylorism." It's sad and frustrating...

Congratulations on Reducing Waiting Times, But Lean Isn’t Just About Flow...

I'm always happy to see success stories where healthcare organizations solve problems that matter through Lean concepts, practices, and principles. Today, I'm blogging about...

Lean Hospitals: Thoughts from a Health System C.O.O. on Lean, Purpose,...

In the previous editions of my book Lean Hospitals, I've included case examples from Avera McKennan Hospital and Avera Health. Fred Slunecka is the former president...

J.C. Penney’s CEO on Listening to Front-Line Employees

After the previous CEO of JC Penney, Ron Johnson, was fired (see my post "Lack of PDSA made JCP CEO SOL?"), it seems that...

Free Chapter – Upcoming 3rd Edition of “#Lean Hospitals”

The revised, updated, and expanded third edition of my book Lean Hospitals has been sent to the printer and copies should start shipping by mid...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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