Tag: Audio

10 Years of “L.A.M.E.”

It's been 10 years since I first wrote about my awkward acronym L.A.M.E. Is it helpful to distinguish between true Lean principles and "Lean As Misguidedly Explained?" Will we see more L.A.M.E. talk and behaviors in the future?

Learning & Emulating Without Copying Blindly from Duke Hoops, Toyota, or...

While I'm writing here about Northwestern men's basketball learning from Duke (without copying everything), the same ideas apply if you're Ford learning from Toyota or a hospital learning from ThedaCare.

I Was Asked to Share “Pet Peeves” About Lean (and Lean...

Thanks to GoLeanSixSigma.com for asking me some questions for a discussion that they've posted on their website. On the pet peeves issue, I tried to address, in particular, some of the "Lean Sigma" stuff that I have blogged about here on this site...

The Advice about Lean That Your Hospital CEO Should Be Getting

Art Byrne's latest book, The Lean Turnaround Action Guide, has a lot of great tips that he's trying to share, CEO to CEO. How many CEOs are reading this book and heeding his advice, in manufacturing or in healthcare?

#TBT: My Reflections on Dr. Deming’s Notes from a 1987 Hospital...

Today's post points to my guest blog post for the W. Edwards Deming Institute: Reflections on Dr. Deming's Hospital Notes - What Has Changed Since 1990? Why do the same problems that Dr. Deming experienced as a patient 30 years ago still happen so often today?

You Don’t Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement by Waiting Until...

When I talk to organizations about Kaizen, or continuous improvement, there's far too much self-defeating talk, where people say things like: "We're not going to try this Kaizen process because our culture isn't ready yet."

2nd Post for the Deming Institute Blog: The Failed “Livonia Philosophy”

Yesterday, the W. Edwards Deming Institute published the second in my series of three posts for them: "The Failure of "The Livonia Philosophy" at my GM Plant." Read more...

Lean is Not Just Process Improvement; It’s Much More Than That

In my travels, I often meet people or visit organizations that say something like: "We're doing Lean... we just call it Process Improvement." They have a "Process Improvement" (PI) department...

Contest: Win a Set of Lean & Patient Safety Books Plus...

StoreSMART, a Rochester, New York-based manufacturer and retailer, has been an advertiser on this blog for over six months now. I also very much appreciate that they are trying to learn how to better serve those who are practicing Lean...

Marie Osmond and The Excuses for Not Getting Lean

Hear Mark read the post (subscribe to the podcast series): I don't normally pay too much attention to TV commercials, but I was working out...

Better Metrics & “Understanding Variation” – An Important Topic for Healthcare

My favorite book, as I've written about before, is not a "Lean book" -- it's Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos by Donald J. Wheeler, PhD. It might look like a book about statistics...

My Post for the Deming Institute Blog: Why Dr. Deming’s Work...

I'm extremely honored that The W. Edwards Deming Institute published my first blog post in a series of three that I've written for them, to be published over the next month or so.
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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