Tag: Audio

The Good and the Bad of the United CEO’s Follow Up...

It's good that United's CEO has taken responsibility for system problems. It's great that they are changing some policies. But why does he say they don't have a culture problem if employees aren't empowered? That sounds like "culture" and a "problem" to me.

My LinkedIn Article: Supply Chain Matters – at the Oscars® and...

The mistakes at The Oscars were trivial and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. What are some lessons learned that apply to improving healthcare supply chains?

“Practicing Lean” as an Audio Book – The First Half is...

I'm excited to announce that Practicing Lean is now available as an audio book... or least the first half is, but you can buy today.

Don’t Have Time for Meditation or Improvement? You Should Do What...

If you don't have 20 minutes for meditation, you should.... do what? Does this classic Zen quote apply to Kaizen and continuous improvement?

Reader Question: How Many People & How Much Time for Improvement?

A Lean-thinking physician from Canada asks how many people an organization or department should have in a dedicated Lean or continuous improvement function. How much time is needed from staff and managers?

Is Calling People “Concrete Heads” the Most Effective Lean Change Strategy?

When did the term "concrete head" start getting thrown around in Lean circles? Do people still use this label today? Is it helpful? Should we agree that the term is disrespectful and counter productive?

What are the “Quick Wins?” Ask the People Doing the Work

Last week, I received a few questions from somebody at a hospital system and I thought I'd address one of them here: "Can you suggest any "quick wins" to get staff engaged in a Lean culture?"

My Article on Changing How We Think About Change

As part of my partnership with Cardinal Health, they have published an article that I wrote on their "Essential Insights" blog: "Changing how we think about change: How healthcare leaders can create a progressive culture"

The Patient Pays Less, Yet the Surgeon’s Paid More

Can physician-led surgical centers provide lower out-of-pocket prices for patients, along with lower infection rates, and higher compensation for the surgeons? One surgical center in Oklahoma says so...

Why You Shouldn’t Call Yourself “Sensei” Or Make Others Call You...

Six Sigma and Lean Sigma has "belts." Some people in Lean call themselves a "sensei." Is that really appropriate? The term is supposed to be situational... it's a term of respect one chooses to use for another person...

What Reduced this E.D.’s Waiting Times? Sexy Technology or Process Change?

This article in The Wall Street Journal caught my eye the other day: "Can Tech Speed Up Emergency Room Care?" But, it seems like the real story is process redesign, which is barely mentioned in the story...

Sad Bloomberg BusinessWeek Article on Auto Supplier Safety, Thoughts for Healthcare

A few of you sent me this article... and you were correct to think I would be interested: "Inside Alabama's Auto Jobs Boom: Cheap Wages, Little Training, Crushed Limbs." What are the parallels and lessons for hospitals?
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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