Tag: Apple

Stuff I’m Reading, May 7, 2012: Nurses, Blame, Government, Apple in...

Here are links to some more articles I've read recently that might be of interest on a number of Lean related topics: Twin boys die...

My Trip to the Apple Store was Like a Hospital Visit

I generally love the Apple Stores for their customer service and environment, as a primary Mac user for the past four years. You may...

“The speed and flexibility is breathtaking” – But in a good...

There has been a lot of buzz over last Sunday's New York Times article "How the U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work." It's good...

Your Thoughts on Recent Articles about Apple, Foxconn, and China?

This week, I've been reading and listening to a lot of articles about working conditions at the Foxconn facilities in China. These stories are...

Steve Jobs as a Model Leader? As a Manufacturing Leader?

As I wrote about after his death, I am appreciative of the products and services that Steve Jobs brought to the world.  That said,...

In Memoriam, Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

My deepest sympathies to his family and those who knew him. Steve Jobs is certainly an American original and he's the Thomas Edison and...

Changes in Mac OS X “Lion” and Parallels to Workplace Changes

It's nowhere near as important as yesterday's topic of employee and patient safety, but my last two days of using the new Mac OS...

Real-Time Office Kaizen With the Help of Twitter; Practicing What I...

As I've been working on my upcoming second book, Healthcare Kaizen: Engaging Front-Line Staff in Sustainable Improvements, I've had "kaizen" (or continuous improvement) on the...

April Fool 2011: New “A3” App Utilizes Two iPads & Virtual...

Today, I'm happy to bring you an interview, conducted via Skype Chat, with Baka Eipuriru, inventor of a new iPad app called "A3 Sensei."...

Enough with the Factory Bashing, Please – Healthcare Professionals and WIRED...

Those of you who know my background know that I spent the first 10 years of my career working in various manufacturing sectors (including...

Error Proofing a Voice Prompt System

The other day, I had a DirecTV service tech coming to the house to make a repair (their customer service has been FAR better...

WSJ Wrongly Blames Apple Inventory Problems on “Lean Manufacturing”

OK, so I'll admit I had a case of "rabbit ears" when I took the WSJ to task for calling the doomed BP Deepwater...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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