Tag: A3

Great White Paper: “No More Projects” (or “More Than Projects”)

I really enjoyed and appreciated this new white paper that was written by Dr. Lisa Yerian and Nate Hurle from The Cleveland Clinic: "No More...

My Visit to Cleveland Clinic: Seeing Leaders Engaging Staff in Meaningful...

I had a chance to visit one of their community hospitals, Hillcrest Hospital, as well as the main campus. It was a very stimulating visit and it was great to see the progress they were making in building a “culture of improvement.”

Guest Post: Is Your Organization Practicing “Unlean Lean”?

Mark's note: Today's post is something that Drew Locher originally published in his email newsletter (sign up here), but he's allowing me to post it...

Recording: Free Webinar with Jon Miller on “Practical Problem Solving”

On Tuesday, I hosted, via KaiNexus, a webinar with Jon Miller on the important topic of "Practical Problem Solving," a structured 8-step method for...

MDs Can Earn a CME Credit from AMA, Learning about Lean

Today, I'm sharing a link to some free "Lean 101" material that the AMA has created for physicians. I'm not sure when this initiative launched, but I just learned about it... the AMA is offering some online education about Lean in healthcare...

Gemba Academy Podcasts – Jon Miller on “Practical Problem Solving”

If you've got time over the weekend (or in the near future)... about three hours to be precise... these three four podcast episodes from Gemba...

Cartoon: There’s A Time & A Place to Fight Fires

Here's my latest cartoon collaboration with a skilled artist (and medical assistant), Carrie Schurman. You can see the whole series via this link. In the Lean world,...

“Quality Circles” Are Alive & Well in Japanese Organizations; We Might...

One question I was asked to ask during my Japan trip was to see if "Quality Circles" are still active in Japanese companies. I...

Another PDSA: Please Don’t…

PDSA, back to the days of Dr. Deming, has stood for Plan Do Study Adjust. A key point in the application of PDSA (and a...

Live Blogging Day 1: Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2014

Today is the first day of the 5th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit. Follow along on Twitter with hashtag #HCSummit14 to see my tweets and thoughts from others....

Kaizen Tip: Just Do Its and Root Causes

In the Kaizen process, we ask everybody to identify problems (or opportunities) and then to write down an idea that could potentially solve the...

Podcast #193 – Mark Jaben, MD on Lean, Change, and Our...

My guest for episode #193 is Mark Jaben, MD, talking about our brains, Lean, and change. Mark has been a guest blogger for me...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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