Tag: 5S

Lean in a New Zealand E.R.

Hospital aims for shorter wait times | Otago Daily Times Online Here's today's positive blog post. For cynicism and negativity on a different Lean topic...

This WSJ Article (as do Many Organizations) Misses the Point of...

Neatness Counts at Kyocera and at Others in the 5S Club - WSJ.com I'm going to violate a rule I have to try not to...

A Lean Guy Reads FORTUNE

As I was reading the latest issue of FORTUNE (October 13), I had a few Lean thoughts based on a few articles (which I...

The 5S Garage Video

Has anyone seen or used this "5S Garage" video? Seems like an interesting concept. Sample video below.I did hear, from a trusted Lean friend,...

5S Will Help You Fight Monsters?

I'm traveling and will probably be away from the blog through Sunday unless something really big happens in the Lean world. I have a...

The New "5S Store" Site

The5sStore.comThis post is NOT a paid advertisement. This website, The 5S Store, was formerly a sponsor of the LeanBlog, but I'm happy to keep...

Another “Bad 5S” Example

leanblog.org | Lean Blog: Bad Lean/5S Hits the UK Media I presented yesterday and had a great day (meeting people and learning) with the Iowa...

5S for Therapeutic Use

Running a hospital: Surprising use of LeanPaul Levy, CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Boston, is a blogger and advocate for Lean...

Jamie Flinchbaugh Video: Daily Improvement

Everybody Everyday: Managing for Daily Improvement The link above is an online video presentation by Jamie Flinchbaugh, courtesy of IndustryWeek (click here to subscribe to...

Learn from this "Home 5S" Tip

Household: De-Clutter with a Six-Month "Maybe Box"The site "lifehacker" is one of my favorite blogs. While not about "Lean" per se, there's often a...

Be Careful Overdoing the "Shine" in Your 5S Efforts

TheStar.com | Drinks | Yeast goes wild in Trappist aleOne of my favorite discoveries in the past year is a Belgian "Trappist Ale" called...

Example: 5S and Reducing Waste

www.kansascity.com | 09/10/2007 | To survive and thrive in these days of globalization, manufacturing companies must carve away the fat.Here's a nice news story...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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