Tag: 5S

Making it Easy to do the Right Thing

Here is a simple example that I think qualifies as a "5S" example, albeit a non-traditional one. This is a dirty beverage...

5S Example from Toyota

Peter Abilla's Shmula Blog Peter pointed me to this example he posted a while back, he says "it's an authentic artifact from Toyota. ...

Initiating Lean with 5S?

By Jean Cunningham:Mark's note: Here is the first post from Jean Cunningham. I'm looking forward to her future contributions to the blog....

5S Week on the Lean Blog

Jamie's Earlier 5S Column In honor of our new Sponsor, The 5S Store, this is "5S Week" on the Lean Blog. We'll feature commentary from...

"Learning to Lean" Newsletter

Main Page -- January 2007One of the lean newsletters I subscribe to is the "Learning to Lean" newsletter by Darren Dolcemascolo from EMS Consulting....

Bad Visual Control Example

Click here for the bad example, via ThisIsBroken.comThe sometimes outstanding, sometimes whiny "ThisIsBroken" blog has a funny photo of a cruise ship door that...

Lean is more than 5S

Lean manufacturing initiatives increase efficiencies at MoynoHere's a glowing news report about how lean is helping a manufacturing company. Who knows if it's...

The Perils of Ignoring 5S in Offices

By : Daniel Markovitz, TimeBack ManagementNote: This posting is from a guest Blogger, Dan Markovitz, founder and president of TimeBack Management a consulting...

Surgical Shadowboarding

A "shadowboard" is a common method in the Toyota Production System. It is a "5S" method where an outline or solid "shadow" is...

June Leading Lean Column

by Jamie FlinchbaughMy monthly column Leading Lean for Assembly Magazine is now published. This month I focus on the staple of lean implementations, 5S,...

Materials 5S at a Hotel

As I was walking past a housekeeping storage room at a hotel, I couldn't help but notice that the storage locations were marked on...

Gemba Pantarei Doesn’t Like GM’s "Red Tags"

Kaizen and Lean Manufacturing thoughts | Gemba Panta Rei Jon Miller makes a clever point about the double meaning, to lean people, of "Red Tags"....
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