Tag: 5S

L.A.M.E.: 5S Making Things Harder on Employees

Here's a follow up to my earlier post on 5S not being about neatness (or for neatness' sake).A reader submitted this anonymous comment that's...

Not Neatness for Neatness Sake

MSN Careers - Is a Messier Desk Better? I was going to blog about this book before and Dan Markovitz had beaten me to it....

We Need "Creativity Before Capital" in Hospitals

RFID tracks hospital's devices Dallas Morning News News for Dallas, Texas Business This article was in the Dallas paper a week ago. It talks about...

Always Room For Improvement

I had an internal factory tour that reminded me of Mark's recent blog on the Not So Lean Factory Tour. The plant was not...

What Will You Do Differently Today?

By Dan MarkovitzBack in October, Lifehacker ran a lengthy article on "personal kaizen." The thrust of the piece is how we can improve...

Lean & Six Sigma Traps to Avoid

Article LinkThanks to Ron for sending this article my way. Check out his excellent blog post on the difference between being fast and...

Misguided ‘Office Lean’: How Bad 5S Practices Give Lean a Bad...

A few weeks back, the British media was having a field day with reports of and complaints about what sounds like a horribly misguided...

Lean and Safety Go Together

Don't Strain Yourself Here is a great article about how a company has implemented lean to improve safety. Concepts like 5S and waste reduction...

Giving Employees Permission to Change

I went through a discussion today that reminded me of a similar situation early in a lean effort at my old manufacturing company a...

RFID as a Workaround

I've been wondering for a while what the value of my CPIM certification is (a previous employer paid for it). APICS has been...

The 5S Workplace: Cause or Effect?

By Dan Markovitz, Time Back Management:A response to an earlier post...Is messiness really beneficial?I think the authors of A Perfect Mess make a silly...

Why Clean Your Desk? Is This 5S?

Why Clean Up Your Desk? Delight in Disorder Instead (WSJ $$)What does a clean desk have to do with 5S? It depends. ...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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