Tag: 5 Whys
Signs are Better Than an Email: Condo Trash Chute Edition
I often write and speak about how warning signs (or cautions) are not effective at preventing mistakes, errors, and problems. See this recent post...
Ken Pilone, the Author of Lean Leadership on a Napkin; Toyota...
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My guest for Episode #455 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Ken Pilone. He is...
“Why?” Not “Who?” Fixing Systems, Not Blaming Workers
Today's post is the first contribution from Shrikant Kalegaonkar, a frequent commenter here on the blog, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We had a chance to meet in Austin last year and I appreciate his shared interests in Lean, statistical process control (ala Deming and Wheeler), and quality improvement. He initiated this piece and I ended up collaborating with him on it. I hope it sparks some healthy discussion...
My Visit to Cleveland Clinic: Seeing Leaders Engaging Staff in Meaningful...
I had a chance to visit one of their community hospitals, Hillcrest Hospital, as well as the main campus. It was a very stimulating visit and it was great to see the progress they were making in building a “culture of improvement.”
The City of Denton’s Lean Journey & Upcoming Webinar
I've gotten to know to know Harry Kenworthy (pictured at left) over the past few years after meeting at a conference (the Northeast L.E.A.N....
Exposé About Detroit Medical Center, Dirty Surgical Instruments, Dysfunction, and… Lean?
A number of you emailed me about this report in the Detroit News. I grew up in Detroit and my first job was as...
It might be too late to get “Buy In” by the...
Another question I get thrown at me very often is something along the lines of “How do we get more buy in for ______” with that space being filled with Lean, Kaizen, 5S, using the EMR system, improvement, or any number of terms. If you do a Google search for Lean “lack of buy in”...
Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model, Part 2: Problem Solving & Standardization
Yesterday, I wrote Part 1 of this post on the Cleveland Clinic Improvement Model.
Part 1 covered the left hand half of the model, with...
Rethinking the Five Whys: Introducing the ‘Many Whys’ Approach in Lean...
There’s no magic about the number five. I’ve seen some people write that five is somehow a “magic number.” No, that’s not really the case. Ask why more than once, probably more than twice…
New Lean & Lean Startup Candy Hearts for Valentine’s Day
Ok, for those of you who maybe find "50 Shades of Lean" to be a bit too racy, here are some sweet "candy hearts"...
Two Recent Wrong-Site Landings & Many Wrong-Side Surgeries
In healthcare patient safety circles, there's always a lot of discussion about lessons learned from aviation safety. Aviation has gotten much safer over the...
“I Don’t Always Ask Why, But When I Do, I Ask...
Last year, when Lean Memes were all the rage (or at least it was fun for a weekend), I had an artist create this...