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Enhancing Patient Care with Lean Principles: The Chugachmiut Story in Alaska (Part 2)
LeanBlog Podcast Episode #71 is part two of a conversation with Patrick Anderson, the Executive…
LeanBlog Podcast #70 – Tamra Kaplan, Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
Episode #70 is an interview with Tamra Kaplan, the COO of Long Beach Memorial Medical…
LeanBlog Podcast #69 – Dr. Sami Bahri, D.D.S., The Lean Dentist on His Book ‘Follow the Learner'
This is an interview with Dr. Sami Bahri, D.D.S., a dentist from Jacksonville, Florida. He…
LeanBlog Podcast #65 – Kevin Frieswick on Error Proofing Hospital Handwashing
LeanBlog Podcast #65 is a discussion with Kevin Frieswick, a Lean Process Manager, with MetroWest…
LeanBlog Podcast #62 – Dr. John Toussaint, ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value
Once again, our guest for Episode #62 is John S. Toussaint, MD, the CEO emeritus…
LeanBlog Podcast #54 – Dr. John Toussaint, Lean at ThedaCare
Our guest for Episode #54 is John S. Toussaint, MD, the CEO emeritus of ThedaCare…
Lean Management in Healthcare: Patrick Anderson's Vision in Chugachmiut
LeanBlog Podcast Episode #53 is a conversation with Patrick M. Anderson, the Executive Director of…
LeanBlog Podcast #46 — Dean Bliss, Lean Healthcare
Episode #46 is a chat with a good friend of the Lean Blog, Dean Bliss…
LeanBlog Podcast #29 — Interview with Dr. Sami Bahri, The World's First Lean Dentist, on How It's Transformed His Practice
Listen: LeanBlog Podcast #29 features a very special guest, Dr. Sami Bahri, “The World's First…