Adam Zak

Adam Zak
My name is Adam Zak. I help companies recruit truly exceptional Lean leaders. I had been doing retained executive search work for a number of years when I decided to break out on my own and create Adams & Associates International in 1990. Working for a few years with a couple of the very largest search firms had convinced me that I could add significantly more value and provide infinitely better service and quality to my clients from a smaller and more focused and responsive platform. Plus, even as a big-firm partner, I had never really felt much like my own boss. That changed when my name – today Adam Zak Executive Search – went on the door.

A Lean and Green Survey from the UK

One of my colleagues from across the Pond,  James Marsh at  Sheffield Hallam University, is currently researching his PhD exploring  Lean Six Sigma  and...

It’s That Season Again – the 2009 Lean Conference (Networking) Marathon

By Adam Zak, Adam Zak Executive Search: From now through early November we’re on the road again, meetin’ and greetin’ our Lean colleagues from around...

Lean Entrepreneur: It’s All About Connecting People

By Adam Zak, Adam Zak Executive Search: "Respect for people: Very few businesses start up only on the backs of the sole founder. It takes...

CEO Pay Caps? You Bet!

By Adam Zak, Adam Zak Executive Search:As a LeanThinker I am most unabashedly a free market advocate. Free trade, absolutely. Love those imported fresh...

The Positive Business Manifesto – Hoshin Planning for Employee Engagement

By Adam Zak, Adam Zak Executive Search:I've been writing quite a bit lately about why respect for people, often vividly demonstrated when your team...

Monday Monday, Monday Morning…Less Than I Thought It Could Be?

By Adam Zak, Adam Zak Executive Search:With apologies to the Mammas and the Pappas... If I really hate Mondays, will it kill me?Last Friday,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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