Mark Edmondson

Mark Edmondson
Mark Edmondson is passionate about achieving rapid, breakthrough results during a company’s lean transformation. With 30 years of front-line experience while working with over 80 companies, Mr. Edmondson developed a philosophy of helping companies create a culture that sustains operational excellence through low cost yet transformative changes.

Going Cheap Vs. Leading and Being Lean

I've worked with a lot of companies whose primary operational strategy boils down to "cut costs". Others on Mark's blog have written about the many unintended consequences of cutting costs as a myopic strategy. But I'd like to share a trend among small manufacturers I've seen...

Lean Mistakes & Lessons Learned: Not Securing Executive Ownership

As a Lean change agent, I've made a lot of mistakes. Some mistakes I recognized early and recovered from; others were a blind spot that affected outcomes and success of the assignment. A few still haunt me from time to time when I suffer a case of "woulda, coulda, shoulda."

Why Isn’t the “Idea Driven Organization” More Common?

Mark's Note: This is a guest post from an old friend of the blog, Mark Edmondson. See his older guest posts from years back....

In Search of the Best MRP Manufacturers

By Mark Edmondson, Lean AffilliatesLean Blog readers - I need your input. I'm looking for the best performing manufacturing companies who use MRP...

Frustrated Champions

By Mark Edmondson, LEAN AffiliatesLast week I had three unrelated yet similar phone conversations that you, an executive in pursuit of excellence, may find...

Is new technology the best investment for your next dollar?

By Mark Edmondson, LEAN AffiliatesI made a day trip to the Assembly Technology Expo in Chicago last week. What an adventure. After all, here's...

Ugly Doesn’t Cost Any Less to Build

By Mark Edmonson, Lean AffiliatesMark Graban's post earlier today "Lean Isn't about 'Productivity" and "Quality'" was inspired writing. I couldn't agree more...Marketing and Product...

Weak Link: Management’s Relationship with People

Inspired by an article in Workforce Performance Solutions Journal Oct 2005 and personal experience. Waves of downsizing,...

Should Your COO Learn Japanese?

By Bill Waddell (Note from Mark Edmondson: Here's a recent article written by LEAN Affiliate Bill Waddell that I think many of you will find...

"Siren Song": Enjoy Increased Confidence and Satisfaction with Wonderware

by Mark Edmondson This post may be shameless about poking fun at a real software product, but I couldn't resist: ...

Your Mission as Change Agent

By Mark Edmondson As a lean professional, here are two facts you already know about you and your company:1. Over...

Please Hold

By Mark Edmondson Seth Godin's (author of Purple Cow and All Marketers are Liars) blog often has pearls of lean wisdom -...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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