Jamie Flinchbaugh

Jamie Flinchbaugh
Jamie Flinchbaugh is an accomplished Entrepreneur, Senior Executive, and Board Member with more than 20 years of success spanning finance, manufacturing, automotive, and management consulting. Leveraging extensive operational experience, Jamie is an invaluable asset for a company seeking expert guidance with process improvements, lean strategies, and leadership coaching in order to transform operations, reduce costs, and drive profitability. His areas of expertise include continuous improvement, entrepreneurship, coaching and training, process transformation, business strategy, and organizational design.

Episode #11 of the “Lean Whiskey” Podcast: A King is Saved,...

In Episode 11 of Lean Whiskey, Mark Graban gets a rest, and Jamie Flinchbaugh co-hosts along with long-time friend and colleague Susan Pleasant, who...

Guest Post: Use forced habits to change behaviors

Mark's note: Today's post is by an old friend of mine and this blog, Jamie Flinchbaugh. This post is a preview of the free...

Leading Lean A-Z: K, Be Kinetic

This continues a series titled Leading Lean A-Z. This post is K: Be Kinetic. Did you ever have one of those days where you just...

No Rx for Lean

I recently have had the opportunity to review a wide range of sites and companies and provide feedback on their lean journey. One of...

Leading Lean A-Z: F for be First

by Jamie Flinchbaugh, co-author, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanWhen visiting companies that feel better about their lean journey than they probably should, perhaps the...

When is it time for lean "lite"?

by Jamie Flinchbaugh, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanMany of the frequent LeanBlog readers will know that I have been a regular guest blogger on...

Learn to Play Before Picking Up a Sax

by Jamie Flinchbaugh, co-author, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanA3 thinking, A3 problem solving, A3 report writing - whatever you might call it is growing...

NIH = "Not Invented Here"

by Jamie Flinchbaugh, co-author, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanI believe that NIH, or Not Invented Here, is one of the silliest cultural barriers to...

Lean in Government Conference

The federal deficit has ballooned to record numbers. Never before has lean been more important to government. With a undeniable need to drop future...

Jamie Flinchbaugh Speaking Topics in April

by Jamie Flinchbaugh, co-author, The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanIn the month of April I'll be presenting two topics at different conferences. I thought I...

March Madness and Lean

As March Madness begins, many people's eyes will be fixed to TVs and computer screens while they root for the favorite teams. Where's the...

The Lean Entrepreneur

There is no question at this point that 2009 is the worst economy we've all seen since the great depression. Good people are getting...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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