Andy Wagner

Andy Wagner
Andy Wagner works for a major aerospace company. Andy blogged here regularly from 2007 to 2010 and still contributes occasionally.

Everyday Lean: Lean and Kleenex

By Andy Wagner:I know how much Mark dislikes headlines that rhyme with lean, but perhaps he'll make an exception for this example of everyday...

John Boyd, Lean Fighter Pilot Part II

Harry Hillaker--Father of the F-16 Toyota's Value Innovation: The Art of Tension Mark has written before about "Everyday Lean", those little examples of error-proofing or kanban...

John Boyd, Lean Fighter Pilot Part I

The OODA Loop & You I love examples of lean thinking that come from unexpected angles. Mike Gardner at the TPM Log recently brought up...

Southwest Airlines and the Flying Big Three

Southwest. Way Southwest. - NY Times Jeff Bailey at the New York Times wrote a great article about Southwest Airlines and their legendary approach to...

FAA and Airlines Improving Where It Counts

Lean bloggers tend to be hard on the commercial airline industry. It's not unjustified considering how they've treated their own employees and their customers...

The Same Kind of Different Car Company

A poignant story showed up in the Washington Post during the recent GM strike that hits at the heart of the principle of respect...

Book Review: Boeing Versus Airbus

Review by Andy Wagner: Name of the Book: Boeing Versus Airbus: The Inside Story of the Greatest International Competition in Business Author: John Newhouse Publication Date: 2007 Book...

Time for Value Added Engineering

Ford Adopts Focus Time - Detroit NewsBy Andy Wagner:I have blogged before on the inefficiency of multi-tasking and the virtues of more single-piece flow...

Competition, Lean Accounting, and Baseball

Russell Roberts on Cafe Hayek had an interesting commentary the other day about the Power of Competition, relaying a bit of the story of...

Always Room For Improvement

I had an internal factory tour that reminded me of Mark's recent blog on the Not So Lean Factory Tour. The plant was not...

Boeing’s Lean Bet

Kevin Meyer at Evolving Excellence commented the other day on the Wall Street Journal article about Boeing's recent supply chain challenges. I'd like to...

Single-Piece Flow in Engineering

Monday afternoon, I have the honor of being part of a meeting to discuss "Project Executio." The bosses complain that engineers in our department...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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