Mark Graban
When Going to the Gemba Goes Wrong: How to Avoid an...
In the Lean methodology, we often talk about the importance of "going to the gemba" (or "genba"-- the place where the real work happens....
Insights from ‘Leading Excellence’: Brad Jevons and Stephen Dargan on Adaptive...
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My guests for Episode #512 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast are two of three co-authors...
Join Me for An “Ask Us Anything” Event on Psychological Safety...
I'm excited to invite you to join me on August 21st for a special webinar titled "Ask Us Anything! Psychological Safety and Continuous Improvement."...
We’ve Stopped Punishing People for Mistakes. Now What?
In many organizations, moving away from a culture of punishment when mistakes are made is a significant leap forward. It signals a shift toward...
A Monthly Bonus for Zero Injuries in the Factory — What...
A friend of mine--with a long history of Lean and Toyota Production System knowledge and practice--recently shared a troubling story about a relative who...
The Power of Learning from Mistakes: Insights from ‘Lean Hospitals’ and...
I've been writing about learning from mistakes for a long time, including my previous books before my latest, The Mistakes That Make Us. This...
The 5 Most Controversial Ideas in The Mistakes That Make Us
In writing The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation, I wanted to challenge the way we think about mistakes,...
Flow Engineering in Action: Insights from Authors Steve Pereira and Andrew...
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My guests for Episode #512 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast are Steve Pereira and Andrew...
Why Two (or Four) Data Points Aren’t a Trend: Analyzing Olympic...
When analyzing data, it's essential to avoid drawing conclusions from too few data points. This principle is crucial whether you're looking at TV ratings,...
Looking for Feedback on the Portuguese (Brazil) Version of The Mistakes...
Thanks to a collaboration with the Leanpub team, AI-translated versions of my book The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and...
From Commands to Collaboration: Lessons in Respectful and Effective Workplace Signage
In the world of continuous improvement and Lean management, clear and respectful communication is crucial. Let's take a moment to examine two different approaches...
From Football to Your Workplace: Why a Lone Wolf Can’t Transform...
Imagine an NFL team that has been on a decades-long streak of winless seasons. The owner, who has been at the helm for most...