Mark Graban
Continuing to Continuously Improve My Online Scheduling Process
For years, I've scheduled many phone calls and web meetings. That's only increased during this current Covid-19 era. Sooooo many Zoom meetings. I do...
Adam Lawrence on The Wheel of Sustainability
My guest for Episode #362 is Adam Lawrence, managing partner with Process Improvement Partners LLC.
He's an industrial engineer who had a long career working...
Kaizens at the Grocery Store (and the Drug Store) [COVID-19]
I wrote a blog post for KaiNexus that's the first in a series that we're going to run about "Opportunities for Improvement" in everyday...
See? Lean is About Flexibility, Not Low Inventory
It's great to see examples of manufacturing companies being flexible and adaptive in these challenging times. Lean methods are often providing a huge boost...
Monday: Our First Live Video Version of the “Lean Whiskey” Podcast
The first 14 episodes of "Lean Whiskey" have been traditional audio podcasts. Jamie Flinchbaugh and I record them through Zoom and we usually use...
Is Your Hospital Punishing or Encouraging People’s Necessary Creativity During the...
This blog post is a collaboration with a Lean healthcare consulting friend of mine, who heard another unfortunate story from his sister, an emergency...
Test Your Covid-19 Knowledge in a Live Quiz Show [Recording]
Recently, I hosted this...
COVID-19 Quiz Time: Test Your Knowledge and Learn Even More
March 24 from 1:00 - 2:00 ET
Previously, we've hosted "Ask Us Anything"...
Leaders Need to Lead By Example, Especially in a Crisis
I believe that leaders need to lead by example. This was true in my "Lean manufacturing" days when a good plant manager would make...
Let’s Do a Virtual Book Club on “Measures of Success”
Being in work from home mode, I alternate from thinking and writing about the current crisis and trying to figure out how to be...
Podcast #361 — Ask Docs Anything on Covid-19 / Coronavirus (Read,...
Episode #361 of the podcast is admittedly not about Lean, but it's an important topic that I think needs to be shared in these...
One Doctor’s Troubling Experiences in the Emergency Department [Covid-19]
I had a phone conversation yesterday with an emergency medicine physician after her shift at an unnamed hospital in an undisclosed state.
She had a...
Webinar Preview: Steve Kane on Coaching Strategies for Leaders
Today, I'm sharing a preview (in podcast and transcript form) of a webinar that Steve Kane, from Gemba Academy, will presenting on April 8th...