Mark Graban
Every Day Error Proofing Examples
I love this website. There are 30+ examples of every day errorproofing. I wish my bank's ATM had the error proofing function...
"Mistake" with Deadly Flu Virus lead of this story reads: "An influenza virus that caused the deaths of more than 1 million people in 1957 was mistakenly...
Get me a Lean Latte, I mean Non-Fat Latte - Coffee on the Double (registration required, but this link might work)
From Today's Wall St. Journal, the lean parallels are hard to miss,...
More thoughts from Gary Convis of Toyota
Role of Management in a Lean Manufacturing Environment:
Rather than trying to add anything to his comments, read his own words here and in...
Evolving Excellence: Learning from the Masters of Lean Manufacturing
Superfactory Blog
Here is another blog that features articles, including articles contributed right to the blog by Norman Bodek.Please check out my main blog page...
Bringing Lean Systems Thinking to Six Sigma
Quality Digest Magazine: Another article by Jamie Flinchbaugh and Paul Mullenhour, of the Lean Learning Center. They outline failure modes, including: "One...
We’re Moving Overseas! Are We Making a Big Mistake?
Blackerby AssociatesHere is a piece from Phil Blackerby, of Blackerby Associates that details the pro's (labor rates) and the con's (too many to...
Heard of kaizen? How about muda? Toyota has a lot to...
David Hendricks Column
A column that summarizes a San Antonio visit by Masaaki Imai. The talk was prompted by the upcoming Toyota assembly plant...
How Toyota Turns Workers Into Problem Solvers – Differences between Toyota...
HBS Working Knowledge: Steven Spear is asked what makes a good TPS-style manager, he says it all comes down to problem solving."The team leader...
GM pushes its suppliers to tap China
Detroit News - 04/07/05Well this is predictable. GM is in the news with profit problems and management shakeups. So what comes next?...
Coming in September — The Toyota Way Fieldbook Books
Speaking of Toyota Way (see below), I just noticed on amazon that the "Fieldbook" should be coming out in September.Please check out my...
Toyota Kentucky (TMMK) President Gary Convis On "The Human Side of...
Quality Digest Magazine
Many lean practictioners have read The Toyota Way, Jeffrey Liker's book on the management system and management principles of Toyota. How...