Mark Graban
Toyota Won’t Raise Prices to Help Rivals
Toyota Won't Raise Prices to Help Rivals
There was a surprising headline yesterday that said Toyota *was* considering raising prices to "help" Ford and GM....
Jim Womack On Frontiers Of Lean Thinking
IndustryWeek - Leadership in ManufacturingClick on the link above to sign up for an Industry Week web conference on Wednesday May 4, 2 pm...
Professor’s book wins 2 awards
Click for ArticleCongratulations to Dr. Jeffrey Liker for the awards his book The Toyota Way has won. Has your organization made use of the...
Overrated: Business ‘superstars’
This article, although about CEO's, made me think about leadership styles and lean. Whether a CEO or not, do the most effective managers...
Big 3 talent jumps ship to rivals
Detroit News
Interesting article on the flow of talent from the Big 3 to Toyota, as well as the other Asian auto manufacturers. The...
"Even Skilled Physicians Make Mistakes" - The Doctor's Office (free feature):"Most medical errors in the doctor's office are process errors. These result from communication problems, office administration problems,...
5S and the Dangers of Horizontal Surfaces
Superfactory BlogAnother column from the blog. Horizontal surfaces can indeed be dangerous. In many cases, I've encouraged teams to eliminate them in creative...
“A Case Study of Lean Manufacturing and Its Benefits When Well...
Click for PDF ReportIn case you're not on the Lean Enterprise Institute mailing list (and if you're reading this, you should be), here is...
How American Leather Reinvented the Upholstery Business
Virginia Postrel Article (NY Times article Feb 2005)
Here is a great example of a company using lean to compete in the furniture industry, where most...
Adam Smith an Early "Lean Thinker"?
Quotes from Adam Smith - Adam Smith Institute:
"Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer...
Workbooks on Lean Material Handling and Pull Production Win Shingo Prizes
Lean Enterprise Institute
Congratulations to the LEI authors. I've used "Making Materials Flow" in factory settings and found that it gives a very structured...
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