Mark Graban
U.S. revives China clothing import quota
U.S. revives China clothing import quotaChina Calls U.S. Move to Textile Limits Unfair, Urges TalksI don't know if there are any easy answers in...
Flexible Middleton (WI) company thrives
Wisconsin State Journal:There are many good stories coming out of Wisconsin lately, many of them through the work of the local MEP office."WMEP provided...
SME, AME, Shingo Prize join to set lean certification standard
Control Engineering :
At least the certification won't be like an APICS certification where you just have to take a test and you're certified.
Toyota replants itself near emerging markets
From Wall St. Journal (no subscription required for this one): Long article, not all of it is strictly "lean" related, but thought this was...
Jim Womack / Industry Week Web Conference Archive (updated)
Here is a link to an earlier post on the conference and another link about "Lean Consumption" (including a link to a recent HBR...
U.S. Economy: March Trade Gap Unexpectedly Narrows to $55 Bln
Bloomberg.comInteresting that imports from China slowed last month, at least if you're comparing just two data points. Analysts think there is good news to...
China invasion: Manufacturing assault from overseas giant now targets U.S. auto...
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
The American responsible for the plan to import cars made in China "contends he will field cars, made by Chinese automaker Chery,...
Toyota expected to build 7th North American plant in Ontario –...
"Toyota is moving to increase output in North America because it believes more than two-thirds of vehicles it sells in the US should...
Push on for Toyota expansion – San Antonio and leaders in Texas are already pushing Toyota to commit to expanding the yet-to-open San Antonio truck plant."'We have some 2,700 acres down...
Move pays off for aircraft parts manufacturer :Another lean case study, this time from a small company in Texas:"Employees manufacturing the same products are clustered together in work groups, with...
Too Much of a Good Thing?
Some stories here about the impact of lean manufacturing on two companies in Pella, Iowa. The article says, "Highly productive workers are keeping...
‘Lean’ manufacturing helps Wisconsin firms thrive
wisbusinessHere are a few case studies of smaller firms using lean for growth. This work was done with the Wisconsin MEP program, part of...