Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

Rockwell "Power Lean"

Rockwell Automation Power Services - Lean Production OverviewI've seen many companies that create their own buzzword or name for TPS and Lean Manufacturing. I...

The 2nd Wave of Job Offshoring

Newsweek: International Editions -'s not just manufacturing jobs:"15 years after U.S. and European multinationals started shipping large numbers of manufacturing jobs overseas,...

Tariffs for China have pros and cons

Indianapolis Star: An upside to plant closings for those that survive: "Scavenging industrial auctions around Chicago, Herzberg picked up 700 die sets last year worth...

Considering more than China’s labor costs

SupplyChainBrain: The Library: "Before you consider outsourcing to China," Fabin says, "you might want to consider which aspects of production it makes sense to...

My team’s (attitude isn’t) ‘GM’s the leader, GM’s the leader.’ That’s...

Detroit News: A quote from GM's VP of Sales, Service, and Marketing, Mark LaNeve: "'The chapter is over,' he told me, acknowledging the obvious: Toyota,...

National Association of Manufacturers Blog

Manufacturers' Blog I just discovered the official NAM blog, take a look if you want to see their perspectives on issues of the day. ...

The Shape Of Manufacturing To Come

IndustryWeek : Editor's Page :From Industry Week's editor:"Lean management is not an option. Lean not only will help companies survive the immediate threat of...

Scotland | New jobs fear for Hoover workers

BBC NEWS :It's not just the U.S.... Scotland also is facing closures/moves to China."'We increasingly acknowledge that this situation is a symptom of a...

Boeing is turning corner with 777

Aerospace Notebook Interesting glimpse into Boeing's "moving line" efforts. They were very successful in cutting cycle times on the 737 program, but not without...

Sligh workers sad, not shocked at closing

0 was in Holland, Michigan quite a bit the past few years doing consulting work. That town has really been hit hard by factory...

Treasury Dept. Warns China on Currency

Yahoo! News: "Manufacturers and other critics, including Democratic and Republican lawmakers in Congress, contend that China's currency system puts U.S. companies at a big...

Shingo Prize Recipient Gary Conner Makes New Lean Manufacturing Workshop Guide...

Click here to request free book downloadThis is a nice offer, a free electronic copy of the book "Lean Manufacturing for the Small Shop."Please...