Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

Celestica Sees Lean Benefits While Announcing Major Offshoring

The Celestica CEO says:"... he noted benefits from restructuring and lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is a series of initiatives that collectively boost efficiency and...

Toyota Way Principle #1: Need Not Apply?

My company is attempting to define and create a "Company Production System," patterned after TPS. Some of our executives visited TMMK (Toyota Georgetown) and...

Toyota boss fears backlash if GM, Ford fall

ABC NewsIt seems like Chairman Okuda and President Cho keep going back and forth on this in the media. Okuda has said twice now...

Waste watchers learning the lean routine in clinical laboratories

College of American Pathologists: It's much more fun to think about what could be (lean healthcare) than what was (GM's dominance in the...

At Least Toyota & Hyundai Are Creating Jobs

GM Plans to Cut 25,000 U.S. Jobs by 2008 - Yahoo! News I'm starting to get sick of beating up on GM. I hate...

Supplier Relationships in a Lean Enterprise

Standardized Work ChartsHere is the latest posting from Darren Dolcemascolo, who also publishes a lean email newsletter (and does lean consulting, as well)."First of...

More Siren Songs — Pelion Systems

Pelion Systems Advances Demand-Based Manufacturing With Enhanced Real-Time Resource Planning EngineThis is becoming quite the recurring theme (see here, here, and here). Lean lean...

Another Siren Song? More Funding for Factory Logic

$8M funding boost - 2005-06-06 Another "siren song" of software? For those not following this line of posts, also see this article on i2 and...

Overproduction of Milk Supported by Taxpayers

Bovine Growth Hormone:One of the seven /eight forms of waste (per Toyota) is Overproduction. It's frustrating to me that the U.S. government supports overproduction...

Economist says China not eating Mexico’s lunch

Brownsville HeraldIt's interesting to see and think about the chase for low-cost labor... conventional wisdom is that manufacturers have chased cheap labor to Mexico,...

Toyota Assembly Line Inspires Improvements at Hospital

Washington Post (via MSNBC):Another example of the waste-filled health care system adopting TPS methods and approaches:"In adopting the Toyota mind-set, Kaplan said, the 350-bed...

Will Dell, GE and Wal-Mart Replace Toyota as the Standard of...

Evolving Excellence: (Superfactory Blog)Thought provoking post from the Superfactory blog. The blogger asks the question "Has Toyota become an "old" benchmark for modern-day...
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