Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

Toyota Assembly Line Inspires Improvements at Hospital

Washington Post (via MSNBC):Another example of the waste-filled health care system adopting TPS methods and approaches:"In adopting the Toyota mind-set, Kaplan said, the 350-bed...

Will Dell, GE and Wal-Mart Replace Toyota as the Standard of...

Evolving Excellence: (Superfactory Blog)Thought provoking post from the Superfactory blog. The blogger asks the question "Has Toyota become an "old" benchmark for modern-day...

Limits on imports save jobs overseas

0 We'll chalk this one up in the "unintended consequences" category. This shows how tough it can be for governments to restrict trade. The...

Quest for Best Seller Means Lots of Returned Books

Article: Wall St. Journal via Pittsburgh Post Gazette Wow, here's a messed up Value Stream. Book publishers end up taking back and destroying (or heavily...

Toyota Has Most Efficient Plant in N.A., Harbour Report Says

Toyota Has Most Efficient Plant in N.A., Harbour Report Says:Click "comments" to see my thoughts and possibly add your own.""'Toyota's labor productivity lead equates...

Companies Use Lean to Offset Cost Increases

IndustryWeek : Under Pressure:This ties directly to the Toyota article from the other day and the concept of Profit = Price - Cost. The...

The Lean Journey at Celestica

My-ESM - The Lean Journey:It's nice to see lean being driven from the CEO level at this former IBM business unit."What Celestica found was...

Evans On The Economy — Can GM Survive?

IndustryWeek This article doesn't focus on lean, really, but it's hard to ignore such a major company like GM.Please check out my main blog...

Icing on the cake at Victoria Foods

Icing on the cake at Victoria Foods:A new industry for lean? Here is an article about a British food company using lean to...

New Business Novel Brings Key Lean Thinking Tools to Life

Press Release from Lean Enterprise InstituteI would be interested in reading this, particularly to see how it compares to another recent lean "business novel"...

We’re "Enemies" of the "Labor Class" — HA

Monthly Review June 2005 Fernando E. Gapasin and Michael D. Yates:Sigh, I don't recommend reading this article, as it appears to be from a...

"Siren Song Alert"– Nissan North America Selects i2 Solutions to Help...

Press ReleaseTo be clear, I am *NOT* endorsing i2 as a "lean" tool. "Business Agility"? What is that? "It is built on...