Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

Toyota is More Selective than Harvard?

63,000 People In San Antonio Seek To Fill 2,000 Jobs At Toyota's New Factory: A few interesting quotes in this article, which begins with:"It...

A Lean Paint Can?

Thinking by Peter Davidson: Dutch Boy Knows What They Are Marketing This seems like a very smart lean paint can. Think of painting a...

Healthcare Professionals Learning How to Use Value-Stream Mapping

Lean Enterprise Institute This is a press release/ad from the LEI. It's interesting to see how these tools and concepts are being adopted in...

Another Boeing Quote Saying Price = Cost + Profit??

Airbus, Boeing Eye Production Rate Boosts Across Product Lines - Fly Away Simulation, Flight Simulator #1:I've written about Boeing's impressive cycle time reduction before....

Call for change to avoid medical mistakes in hospitals

0 News for Seattle, Washington KING5 HealthLinkA scary example of how a lack of 5S can literally kill." The mother of four...

Two Global Value Streams Passing In the Night

Interesting story about a Fortune 500 company who is starting up a factory in China: Apparently, they are having trouble getting tools,...

U.S. mom-and-pop firms go global

Business - International Herald TribuneInteresting article on how small mom-and-pop startups are using China's manufacturing capabilities to get off the ground.Please check out my...

Beware the China bashers

KRT Wire | 06/21/2005 From the Chicago Tribune, an editorial. "Forcing a rapid upward revaluation of the yuan, as Congress seeks to do, won't...

The Chase of Cheap does Deeper into China

0 / Asia-Pacific - Chinese manufacturing hub toughens investor rules: There's always somebody/someplace "cheaper" isn't there? "Shortages of power, labour, land and water are raising...

Foreign Makers, Settled in South, Pace Car Industry

New York Times:"Toyota's impact on the nation's economy has been powerful. A study by the Center for Automotive Research, which has yet to...

Another Maytag Story

Chicago Tribune news : Business: This is a tough spot to be in. Ideally, you'd like to grow your way into increased efficiency...

Quality in Baggage Handling

As I sat on the plane, waiting to depart, we watched a video that featured the airline CEO (the airline rhymes with Bontinental). The...