Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

What Happened to the "Best Little House Builder in Texas"?

Article Link: Fast Company Now this is an old article, from 1996, about a "lean" home builder in Austin TX. Doyle Wilson homes was also featured...

Toyota growing slowly, surely into NASCAR contender

Cincinnati Enquirer: It will be interesting to see if Toyota can apply rapid continuous improvement cycles to building winning NASCAR cars after starting in...

Low-Tech Lean: If MacGyver can do it so can you!

TPS - Lean Manufacturing and Process Improvements: Lean ArticlesHere is a good article from Bill Hanover, President of ThroughPut Solutions. Bill previously wrote a...

Updated: Educated workforce tipped Toyota plant into Woodstock

Business Edge News Magazine - - Ontario Edition:A rebuttal from Alabama (and Toyota)Does your company want intelligent workers who can think or the...

In Times Of Adversity, Don’t Abandon Basics

IndustryWeek : Continuous ImprovementThis is a new recurring column from Industry Week. The author makes the pitch that companies shouldn't "forget about" continuous improvement...

Nissan First Manufacturer to Introduce Die Inventory Management System Featuring Stacked-Type...

MoreRFID Nissan's version of "TPS" is the "Nissan Production Way". Here is an interesting article about the use of new technology (RFID) to...

5 S’s spell efficiency for Job Shop

Cincinnati Enquirer:While the article talks about the specifics of 5S, I like how they mention that it isn't just about putting tape around garbage...

Kanban vs. "FAXban" vs. "e-Kanban"

3 - Press Release And News Distribution - Kanban Marketshare Leader is Datacraft Solutions I can certainly see the appeal in electronic kanban. If you...

Ford’s Padilla is Chasing Toyota

0 U.S.:Comments from the Ford president:"Padilla says Toyota serves as an example of how to make winning models.``Toyota doesn't hit home runs every time...

New Book Focusing on Lean Failures

How to Prevent Lean Implementation Failures: 10 Reasons Why Failures OccurI read this book over the weekend, here is the review I wrote for...

China Catching Up in the Mall Race?

The Standard - The great mall of China - Opinion Section:Interesting view into the growth of malls in China. This excerpt from the article...

Is Your Mediocrity an Emergency?

Seth's Blog: The Mediocre Emergency While Seth Godin is mainly a marketing guru, I like his provocative thoughts. From a lean manufacturing perspective, is...
Special $2.99 Kindle Price - "The Mistakes That Make Us"Buy Now
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