Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

Flextronics eyes Malaysia as alternative to China

Reuters Recommends News Article | Another article on the theme of chasing cheap. If your production strategy is based on being based in...

Preventing Lean Failures — New Blog

Click Here for the Blog: Reason #1: Lack of Top Down Management SupportClick Here for the Blog: Reason #2: Lack of ...

More Whining About Not Being Able to Pass Along Costs

JS Online: Manufacturing outlook dips, but index is still strong:When I saw this headline (also a WSJ article today), I expected to read something...

Want to complain about Dell? Forget it

The RegisterThis isn't really a "lean" story, but the idea of customer focus strikes me here. As a company, how do you handle things...

Toyota Runs Low on Expertise To Power Global Push

0 - Requires SubscriptionAs Toyota grows, they are struggling with finding/keeping enough people who truly understand TPS tools and the Toyota Way.I'll try to...

‘Lean’ manufacturing tested at local (NC) company

The Kinston Free PressHere is a nice little local story about a small (26 employees) company that started with lean (sounds like they did...

Toyota’s Chief Bets on Hybrids, Squeezing Rivals

0 - Requires Subscription:In an article that talks about Toyota's lead (along with Honda) in hybrid vehicles, Toyota's new President references Kaizen."Mr. Watanabe said...

Why are you wasting time at work?

Marshall Loeb's Daily Money Tip - General News - Personal FinanceFirst off, are you reading this at work? ;-)This has been in the...

Acheiving Basic Stability Before One-Piece Flow

EMS ConsultingHere is another newsletter article from EMS Consulting and Darren Dolcemascolo, a friend of this blog.His article reminds me of my days at...

Can Infosys do a Toyota ?

Management & Marketing:Since we were talking about "lean software" yesterday.... I'm not an expert on Toyota history so I can't validate every assumption made...

Updated: The Talent Behind ‘China Inc.’

Free Career Journal Link -- new link for July 12This article talks about Chinese manufacturing companies not in the context of cheap...

Lean Software Development: differentiating push- and pull-based development

Steve Hebert's Development BlogKeeping with the lean software theme, here is another in-depth post with references to other lean software websites, articles, and whitepapers....