Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

China currency move may help/hurt U.S. companies

Detroit News - 07/22/05This really is a complex issue, the China currency pegging. It's not just a China vs. U.S. issue, but within the...

Could Toyota Fix GM? (revisited)

Curious Cat Management ImprovementThe Deming-focused blog, Curious Cat, has comments on an earlier article I posted about Toyota and GM.Please check out my main...

Six Sigma Blog: Book Review: Lean Six Sigma for Service

Six Sigma BlogThe Six Sigma Blog has a link to a review of the Michael George book, Lean Six Sigma for Service.Please check out...

I Don’t Care That Your Regular Driver Was Out

Twice in the past week now, our department has had this similar problem happen. First, a global logistics company (rhymes with sledex) did not...

MI Governor works to lure Toyota plant

Detroit News - 07/20/05 Here is a column that discusses a trip taken by the MIchigan governor to Japan to meet with companies including Toyota....

An Interview with a Lean Hospital COO

RedNova News - Health - Q & A With Matthew FurlanThe subject of this article apparently received some top-notch lean training from Shingijitsu and...

Seven Criteria for an Earnest Lean Enterprise Transformation

This post comes from Mark Edmondson, President of LEAN Affiliates.Our team periodically visits a new client site that has a lean initiative in place....

Does Lean Equal Honesty?

Here is a story from my plant, where we are in the early stages of a company wide lean implementation. I think this story...

Preventing Lean Failures: Reason #2: Lack of Communication

Preventing Lean Failures: Reason #2: Lack of CommunicationCome discuss the importance of management communication in your lean implementation efforts. Do you have any horror...

Another Misguided Lean Article

Uncommon Sense: Is It Lean...or Just Anemic?Every once in a while I run across a very misguided article/column on lean, this one falls into...

Chinese car makers gear up to take on western competitors

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports :This article talks about the coming wave of Chinese-produced cars (people are also starting to import them into the...

LAPD Working on Lean Jails

L.A. Daily NewsLean manufacturing, lean healthcare, now..... lean jails.The LAPD has gone through lean enterprise and TPS training through Toyota. "Last week, Chief William...