Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

Interesting Change Model

I found this in a non-lean book, but I can see how this applies to our lean world, this change model:Many of the factories...

Tom Peters on Getting Bigger & Slower

tompeters! management consulting leadership training development project management: It's no surprise that Tom Peters would have this take. He always asks, "what happens when you...

How to Poka Yoke This?

I received an email from an MBA student in Turkey (this truly is a global lean community). The emailer asked me a question...

Lean Army Video

Lean Army Video (via is a video highlighting the benefits of apply lean to the Army Materiel Command. Improving turnaround time on...

News Flash: NYT Points out that GM is Slow

Jump-Start or New Battery for G.M.? - New York TimesInteresting point made by the New York Times about GM and Nissan-Renault. Most everyone...

New Lean Healthcare Blog

DailyKaizenI don't know if it's fair to call the DailyKaizen site a "lean healthcare" blog, I think we can all learn from it as...

Business Week and Lean Myths

No One Does Lean Like The Japanese - Business WeekThis article has some nice case study examples of how Matsushita is using lean principles...

Toyota: Way, Way Off-Road

Business Week OnlineI knew that Toyota didn't start as a car maker and I knew that they had the business ventures for manufactured homes...

Womack comments on GM-NR

ABC News: Can a Charismatic CEO Save GM?GM partnering with Nissan Renault? Jim Womack doesn't think it will help:"It's hard to see how...

Spelling Equals Standard Work

Push for simpler spelling persists This idea iz stoopid. You can't haf peepole saying "this speling works beter for mee". Spelling properly is a form of...

What Lean Looks Like In Arabic

lean.persianblog.comHere is a blog that links to mine. Can anyone read or translate this for me?Are there Arabic equivalents of words like "muda",...

Not "Lucky" to get Hired at Toyota

WOAI: San Antonio News - Toyota Countdown: Landing a Job at ToyotaHere's a story about hiring at the Toyota San Antonio plant. There...