Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: October 18, 2024


Thanks, as always, to Ryan McCormack for this. He always shares so much good reading, listening, and viewing here! Subscribe to get these directly from Ryan via email.

News, articles, books, podcasts, and videos about how to make the workplace better.

Operational Excellence, Improvement, and Innovation

Does Lean Startup Work for Deep Tech?

Lean startup techniques are still widely taught. Its focus on de-risking markets by putting customers first and rapidly iterating product design can be effective at reducing waste, expenses, and uncertainty. But do these techniques have the same benefits for de-risking R&D heavy “deep technology” ventures? There are limits to lean startup techniques in deep technology.

Canadian EDs Are Performing Poorly. But It's Hard to Prove. 

How badly are Canadian Emergency Rooms performing? It's hard to tell, because Canada can't even reliably collect data around our terrible wait times. The lack of data will only hinder the drive for improvement.

All About Work Standards

Looking to learn about work standards, Toyota Standard Work and Leader Standard Work? Christoph Roser has published All About Work Standards available on Amazon here. I downloaded the Kindle version and am enjoying the content so far.

Connected Worker Know-How

One of an organization's biggest continuous improvement assets is its workers' knowledge, but leaders have long struggled to leverage it and make it easily available to all. It's been a perennial struggle to gather, compile, and share worker knowledge in training manuals or SharePoint sites, and this often failed to capture the nuance and know-how that comes with years of experience. With the advances in technology, some manufacturers are connecting the workforce to worker know-how through tablet-based platforms.

Creating a Culture of Improvement

Say “We” Instead of “You”

When you're trying to get your message across, you want to make sure people are listening and not censoring. A professor and PhD student at Stanford GB discovered that using “you” versus “we” affect how people in the workplace respond to messaging. People are more likely to remain open to messages that use “we” or “our” and more likely to censor messages that use “you” or “your.” 

5 Signs of a Good CEO

What are the signs that the CEO is a good one? Roger Martin shares the 5 signs of a good CEO.

Five Signs of a Good CEO

  1. Is Not Wildly Busy
  2. Spends More Time with Customers than Shareholders
  3. Is Loved by Employees
  4. Can Explain Company's Strategy in Under a Minute
  5. Recognizes Business is Probabilistic not Deterministic

Timken's Approach to Continuous Improvement

Extreme intolerance of the current condition. A prime directive culture. These are a couple of the principles that Marty Hallman, Director of Bearing Operations shares about how Timken that drives operational excellence.

Coaching – Developing Self & Others

Maximizing Fulfillment and Purpose

Fewer people are finding work to be a source of meaning and purpose, sometimes leading to a lack of fulfillment and engagement. Megan Hellerer shares 5 key insights for living with maximum fulfillment and purpose from her new book Directional Living: A Transformational Guide to Fulfillment in Work and Life.

8 Secrets to a Fairly Fulfilled Life

Still looking for fulfillment? Give yourself a break and realize that there will always be more to do. Oliver Burkeman shares his latest advice with 8 secrets to a fairly fulfilled life

Designing Teams That Don't Suck

Hockey and team-building? Two of my favourite topics. Adam Grant interviews players from Team USA's 1980 Miracle on Ice to discuss how to build a team that is greater than the sum of its parts.

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Ryan McCormack
Ryan is an operational excellence professional with over 18 years experience practicing continuous improvement in healthcare, insurance, food manufacturing, and aerospace. He is an avid student of the application of Lean principles in work and life to create measurably better value.


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