From Strategy to Execution: Webinar with Karen Friedenberg


Are you looking to transform your business strategy into actionable results? Join us for our recorded webinar, “Leveraging a Strategy to Execution Framework: A Journey of Transformation,” presented by Karen Friedenberg. This insightful session took place on July 23 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm ET.

It's part of the free KaiNexus Continuous Improvement Webinar series.

I'll be the host and moderator, and I hope you can join us!

Watch the recording now and you can also scroll down for the short preview discussion that I had with Karen.

What You'll Learn

During this webinar, Karen will guide you through the essential components of executing a strategy that drives sustainable business results. Here's a preview of what you can expect:

  1. Strategy Articulation
    • Learn how to communicate your strategy in a clear and powerful way to ensure everyone understands the direction and goals.
  2. Organizational Alignment
    • Discover methods to align your leadership team and organization with the company goals, ensuring everyone is working towards the same objectives.
  3. Operational Alignment
    • Find out how to align your processes and operations with your strategy to maintain consistency and drive efficiency.
  4. Executing with Excellence
    • Understand the structures and methods necessary to manage your strategy and key initiatives effectively.
  5. Organizational and Culture Change
    • Explore how to build a culture of performance improvement and bring your team along on the journey of transformation.

About the Presenter

Karen Friedenberg is the Founder and Managing Director of Performance Improvement Consulting. With extensive experience in both consulting and industry, Karen offers a unique perspective on strategy execution. She has led Strategic Program Management and Operational Excellence departments, driving large-scale business and digital transformations. Karen's expertise spans various industries, Lean Six Sigma, change management, design thinking, and more, making her a valuable resource for anyone looking to implement sustainable change in their organization.

Why Attend?

  • Gain practical insights and tips from an experienced leader in strategy execution.
  • Learn how to align your organization and operations with your strategic goals.
  • Discover how to foster a culture of continuous improvement and performance.
  • Get the opportunity to ask questions and interact with Karen Friedenberg during the live session.

Watch Now!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your strategy execution skills and drive transformation within your organization. Watch now.

We look forward to having you join us for this exciting and informative webinar. Let's take the journey of transformation together!

Webinar Preview:

Transcript of the Preview:

Mark Graban:
Hi, I'm Mark Graban from KaiNexus, and today we're doing a quick preview of our upcoming webinar, our next webinar in the KaiNexus continuous improvement webinar series. It's going to be presented on July 23 at 1:00 pm Eastern, and it's titled Leveraging a Strategy to Execution Framework, a Journey of Transformation. It's going to be presented by Karen Friedenberg. She's joining us today. And before we talk to Karen, I'll remind you to look in the episode notes or description to find a registration link. We hope you'll join us on July 23. You can ask questions if you find this preview. After July 23, a recording will be available in our podcast feed and our YouTube channel. Or you can go to webinar. So, Karen, thank you for being here today for a preview. How are you?

Karen Friedenberg:
I'm doing great, thanks, Mark. Thanks for having me.

Mark Graban:
Yeah, I'm excited about the session. I think trying to connect strategy to execution is something a lot of organizations struggle with. We hear feedback from people that that's a topic that they're wanting to learn about. So this is going to be really helpful for our audience. But Karen, before we talk about the content of the session, I always like to let presenters in this forum introduce. If you introduce yourself in your own words, tell us a little bit about you and your background.

Karen Friedenberg:
Great. Thanks so much. Yeah. I am the founder of Performance Improvement Consulting, and we primarily work with mid-sized companies to help them from strategy to execution. So as we're thinking about really the struggles and where people, like you said, where people sometimes fall down in that strategy to execution, in that strategy to execution work, is making sure sometimes the things that you need is those groundwork, they are not laid out in advance. Some of the things around culture change, around organizational change, I'm, you know, both worked both in industry as well as well as within consulting. So I'm a lean practitioner and I'm a change management practitioner as well as, like I said, a strategy to execution consultant. So really excited to share my tips and tricks of the many years of both business and digital transformation that we've gone through. And it's a case example, an example of a current project I'm working on that's really end to end on a strategic transformation.

Mark Graban:
Yeah. And for this topic, maybe before talking about the webinar more broadly, one question that comes to mind, or an observation I've seen in different industries, is senior leadership team put together a big strategy document and then it sits there and you kind of wonder when is it being referenced back to? Is it being turned into an execution plan? What are some of your thoughts around why that happens sometimes where they don't get from strategy to execution?

Karen Friedenberg:
Yeah, I think connecting those dots. Right. Of how the strategy then connects to the work that's being done in the line level by the employees themselves, as well as the initiatives and the projects to move forward towards those goals. We're going to talk about some tips about how to get that really that operational alignment both at the leadership level, but looking all the way throughout the whole organization and a lot around communication. A lot around communication, having visuals and iterating it and coming back to it again and again. The idea of measuring how you're doing along the way as well, because it's not just, you may have the greatest, we say the greatest strategy, but execution is what's going to stand in your way. Have we had roadblocks along the way in that journey? Do we have to change our course, correct a bit, or has that North Star changed? We'll talk about the North Star concept a bit when we meet.

Mark Graban:
Yeah. This might not be in the scope of the webinar itself, but what are some thoughts and tips of just making sure that the strategy is sound and differentiating before thinking about deploying it or getting to execution?

Karen Friedenberg:
Yeah. So I think, again, like that pressure testing of thinking about it both from an internal and an external perspective and people being part of the journey and be part of the strategy. So a big piece of the, what I'm going to be talking about is it's not just something that comes up when, like sitting a couple people in a go off to an off site in a c suite. Right. It's something that is developed together with the people who are on the front lines, talking to the customers, you know, in the. On the manufacturing lines, at the warehousing. No, out doing the work. So I think that's a key part, that it's, you make sure that it's actually sound because you're attuned to what's really, truly happening in the business and happening with your people.

Mark Graban:
Yeah. And that sounds like kind of an iterative cycle. Instead of saying, hey, we've crafted the perfect strategy document that's carved into paper or, I mean, nowadays probably, and the equivalent of being carved in the stone electronically, it sounds like you're talking about testing and trying to figure out how that strategy needs to evolve as business conditions or the world or the economy or whatever changes. Right.

Karen Friedenberg:
Absolutely. 100% iterative. And we'll see when the structure of it is a circular. Right. Like kind of the continuous improvement idea of the circular, but really it just ping pongs all around because it's not even linear. Right. It's. Sometimes you need more alignment. Why is your execution not working? Do we need to go back to alignment again or people along for the journey? Has something changed to your point? And then measuring that along the way and keeping our heads up and keeping our eyes out for what's happening, those disruptors. Those disruptors that might be happening within your competitors or your industry or just things that are happening within your company in the broader world.

Mark Graban:
Yeah. And previewing the material and the topics, I mean, it's a leading question, but it sounds like there's something here for leaders at all levels that this is not just a presentation for people sitting at the C suite level. Is that fair to say?

Karen Friedenberg:
That's definitely fair to say. So I would think about it as we go through this idea. It can be that you're really executing on a smaller level. It's definitely applicable the larger company level, definitely at that departmental business unit or your smaller team, and down to the individual as well. And I can give you some. We'll give some ideas about, like, just always thinking back and tethering back to strategy and why are you doing what you're doing? Right. Everybody kind of thinks about, they have their things that are on their task lists and, you know, we get so ingrained and write what we do every day, but picking up and figuring out the why and then tying it back to that strategy, it just makes actually everybody, it makes it more fun, too. Right? It makes it just like, I know I'm really doing this for a reason and I have a purpose here, and, and helping the company move forward makes it more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Mark Graban:
Yeah. Well, Karen, thank you so much. Thanks in advance for doing the webinar. Excited on July 23. Thank you for coming in and doing the preview here today. So again, we've been joined here by Karen Friedenberg. She's going to be presenting the webinar on July 2301:00 Eastern titled Leveraging a Strategy to Execution Framework, A Journey of Transformation. So look in the show notes or the YouTube description for that registration link. We hope you'll attend live. We're going to have a lot of time for questions. There's going to be a lot of practical examples from Karen to bring some of these concepts to life. So I hope you'll join us, or if you've missed it. And you're watching or listening to this here after July 23, please do check out the recording, and we hope you'll be with us for other webinar sessions. So again, Karen, thanks so much.

Karen Friedenberg:
Thanks, Mark.

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Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.


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