Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: April 1, 2022


Thanks as always to Ryan McCormack for this… there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him!

News, blogs, articles, resources, and links about creating value, continuous improvement, innovation, and leadership.

Healthcare – Creating Value for Patients

Communication is usually cited as the process in most need of improvement in hospitals.  A low-cost solution that any clinical team or management team should try:  Just Huddle

No – this is not an April Fool's post.  A disturbing precedent was set in Tennessee as a nurse has been found criminally responsible for an accidental fatal injection of a 75 year-old ICU patient.  Willful negligence should be punished, but I predict the consequences of jailing clinical staff for accidental errors will include fear, opacity, and suppression of risks – none of which will contribute to increased patient safety in the long term.

Some other interesting articles on the RaDonda Vaught case:

Operational Excellence

Seth Godin reminds us that “heroes use systems, they aren't held back by them”. Strategy shouldn't be an episodic event, but rather a capability that should be practiced often.  ‘Implementation Is the Weak Sister of Strategic Thinking' Remember the cardinal rule of brainstorming of “don't criticize or judge ideas” or “no idea is a bad idea”?  Research casts doubt on it   Improve Creative Brainstorming With Constructive Criticism

If Mistakes Are Expected, We Can React Appropriately and Constructively (and Even Prevent Them)

Illuminating Your Path to Operational Excellence, Part 1.

Leading & Enabling Excellence

How Managers Drove Boeing into the Ground… 

Apparently, some companies are, *gasp* talking to employees about how to retain them.  The tool companies are deploying to help keep staff from quitting in a hot labour market

Most people don't hate their jobs, but they definitely hate how they're managed

Coaching – Developing Self & Others

I sometimes find myself using “coach” mode on my young daughter.  Turns out I'm not alone.  How Your Leadership Style Can Inform Your Parenting.

Books, Podcasts, Videos

Books I'm reading:

I recently finished

I will share some reviews next mixtape.

Podcasts I'm listening to:

Michael Bungay-Stanier shares coaching advice on the Mi-fit podcast with Say Less, Ask More, & Change the Way You Lead Forever

Too many gems to list from Ret. General Stanley McChrystal: The Essence of Leadership. Listened to it twice. 

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Ryan McCormack
Ryan is an operational excellence professional with over 18 years experience practicing continuous improvement in healthcare, insurance, food manufacturing, and aerospace. He is an avid student of the application of Lean principles in work and life to create measurably better value.


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