Thanks as always to Ryan McCormack for this… there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him!
News, blogs, articles, resources, and links about creating value, continuous improvement, innovation, and leadership.
Healthcare – Creating Value for Patients
I can relate to the frustrations of those who have dedicated a lot of time to driving improvement in healthcare only to eke out marginal gains rather than systemic improvements. What problems in health care quality should we target as the world burns around us?
What Can Hospitals Learn from The Coca-Cola Company? Health Care Sustainability Reporting
One of the more significant and lasting system effects of Covid is the years-long surgery backlog. How hospitals are tackling a backlog of delayed surgeries.
Operational Excellence
Larry Culp is showing how Lean, applied at scale, can help drive measurably better results. How Lean can help GE. Also, Culp was interviewed by Fortune to discuss the importance of humility and why every detail counts.
How do we convince people to comply with policy or listen to experts? Quint Studer shares 10 tips on helping people reach compliance. In a similar vein, I share my thoughts on how to get people to adopt policy here.
Sometimes gradual improvement beats big-bang, capital-T Transformation approaches. Decentralization and digitization allows transformation to be democratized and proceed in a more evolutionary manner. When Gradual Change Beats Radical Transformation.
As the digitization of work continues to accelerate, so does the need to use technology to analyze processes to drive improvement. 61% of exec decision-makers to use process mining to simplify operations.
Becoming a “data-driven” organization isn't just about data. Why Becoming a Data-Driven Organization Is So Hard
Leading & Enabling Excellence
Yet another case study of the consequences of focusing on shareholder value at all costs and creating a culture of fear. I recommend watching Downfall: The Case Against Boeing on Netflix. I share a summary of the key points in the documentary here.
Reframing problems is an essential technique to help drive creativity and innovation. Senior Leaders As Chief Reframing Officers.
The senseless conflict in Ukraine has shone a light on leadership in times of crisis. As Ukraine resists the Russian invasion, Zelensky Demonstrates These Leadership Lessons. It starts with empathy and service.
Coaching – Developing Self & Others
GQ interviews Daniel Pink on How to Use Your Regrets for Good
Books, Podcasts, Videos
Books I'm reading:
A great review on Michael Bungay-Stanier's latest book. The Goal-Setting Book You Never Knew You Needed.
I just started to dive into Flying Blind: The 737 MAX Tragedy and the Fall of Boeing. So far it's great.
Podcasts I'm listening to:
I really enjoyed a podcast on how to establish deep purpose in work on What's Next with Tiffani Bova: Aligning Around Deep Purpose with Ranjay Gulati. I may need to pick up the book Deep Purpose: The Heart and Soul of High-Performance Companies
Listen to Larry Culp's interview on Fortune about the importance of humility and why every detail matters.
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