Operational Excellence Mixtape: February 26, 2021


Thanks as always to Ryan McCormack for this… there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him!

Healthcare – Creating Value for Patients

It is said that “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.  Check out this excellent case study of Inova Health's planning process that enabled them to rapidly operationalize a vaccination program.

An effective visualization and simulation on How Herd Immunity Works.

Operational Excellence

Many organizations continue to focus on internal measures of how much faster and productive their bureaucracy operates rather than external measures around value for the customer.  Steve Denning describes the grip 20th century management continues to have on modern organizations in Why KPIs Don't Work; And How To Fix Them

Covid has caused many people and organizations to realize they can rapidly solve problems and overcome barriers that previously would've felt insurmountable.  Here's a framework for innovation in the post-covid world

Should every organization seek to “be agile”?  Probably not.  Can every organization be agile?  No. Not Everyone Can Be Agile.  

Read Toyota's Code of Conduct

A critical review of the Net Promoter Score as an indicator of customer experience and sentiment.

Leading & Enabling Excellence

What will leadership look like in a post-covid world? The Next Decade Will Be a Leadership Game Changer.

Performance management and pay incentives are ubiquitous. As such, many employees report that their individual performance directly correlates to their pay, even though evidence suggests this isn't true.  You're Not Paid Based on Your Performance.  

Coaching – Developing Self & Others

BOOK EXCERPT – Coaching: The secret code to uncommon leadership

Books, Podcasts, Videos

Books I'm currently reading:

I recently finished That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and The Amazing Life of an Idea by Marc Randolph.  Read my brief review here.

Podcasts I'm listening to:

I was looking forward to this interview of former GE CEO Jeff Immelt on Leadership Next.  Immelt discusses his new book The Hot Seat and defends the dismal track record accumulated during his tenure at GE.  It was an interesting interview – have a listen and let me know what you think?

I never miss a chance to listen to Seth Godin on any podcast I follow.  Here's Seth Godin on Failing Our Way To Mastery on The Knowledge Project episode #105.

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Ryan McCormack
Ryan is an operational excellence professional with over 18 years experience practicing continuous improvement in healthcare, insurance, food manufacturing, and aerospace. He is an avid student of the application of Lean principles in work and life to create measurably better value.


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