Improvements in Walking and Hospital Covid-19 Incident Response Teams


In this post, I'd like to share two posts from the KaiNexus Blog.

Walking More Safely

I wrote this post for KaiNexus based on my own experiences and improvements to the way I go out for brisk exercise walks each morning (and sometimes twice a day).

Maybe I'm not walking as briskly as I'd like to think, LOL:

Here is the post:

Opportunities for Improvement in Walking for Exercise

What are you doing to improve (or reinvent) your exercise routines (walking or otherwise) during these times?

There are, so far, two other posts in this series:

Hospital Incident Response Centers

OK, my walking is perhaps a little trivial. Small improvements to a process are worth celebrating, I think.

Many (if not all) hospitals and health systems are setting up (or activating plans for) things called “command centers” or “incident response centers.” These are more important situations — and communication, sharing, and improvement are critically important.

One of our KaiNexus customers, a health system in Ohio, set up a “COVID-19 Response Dashboard” and they allowed us to share this for the benefit of other KaiNexus customers.

A quick shout out to the team at KaiNexus though:

Here is that blog post:

How to Set Up a COVID-19 Response Dashboard in KaiNexus

What's shown in the blog post is a mockup, but I've seen the hospital's real board when they shared it with us in a web meeting this week.

As the owner of the board in this example says, “You don't need this until you need it, and then you've got to go fast.”

You might notice a Process Behavior Chart in the upper center of the dashboard. Yes, they are plotting the number employees who call out sick each day — their goal is to NOT overreact to every up and down in the data.

I have permission from the hospital executive to share their real chart and I'll write about that in another blog post, coming soon.

Their first board shares data and information in a single place. Their second board is used to track their “action items, sorted in cards by the eight objectives that drive their team.”

I appreciate the hospital's spirit of improvement and innovation, on many levels. I also appreciate their willingness to share — something that's so important in times like these…

For more COVID-19 info, check out KaiNexus COVID-19 Central. There's lots of useful stuff on there, including blog posts, resources recommendations, and webinars!

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Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.


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