Operational Excellence Mixtape: August 2, 2019


Healthcare – Creating Value for Patients

In 2008, I worked at a hospital when, during an Executive meeting, an Executive suggested that patients are sometimes harmed during their care.  There was much discourse on whether this was true, or if true, should be acknowledged.  Luckily, times have changed, and it's public knowledge that medical errors are a common and preventable source of harm and even death in hospitals and healthcare systems.  NBC reports “Medical mistakes harm more than 1 in 10 patients.  Many are preventable.”.

he Center for Lean Engagement and Research in Healthcare (CLEAR) in Berkley shares its content from its 2019 symposium.  Judging from the content, some great ideas were shared. 

Infiniti Research reveals the 4 trends redefining healthcare quality improvement in 2019.

A compelling opinion piece “To fix healthcare, we first have to fix the culture”

In Canada, litigation over medical errors is rare. This article sheds light on the process – “Patients who suffer from medical errors face ‘rigged system', critics say”

Operational Excellence

We often get stuck on our “first understanding” of lean theory or tools.  A sensei can hell you get past first understanding and to deep thinking.  Pascal Coignet shares his story in How I Met a Sensei.

Building new habits and breaking old habits is hard, and making lean stick is its greatest challenge.  Learn how to use the lessons of Atomic Habits to make lean stick – starting with a daily operational huddle

I've never seen releases for Series B investments into lean management companies before, so this announcement for $45 million for Pipefy has caught my attention.  

Many of the same articles written about lean 15 years ago are being written about innovation.  There is no instant pudding, tools will only get you so far, and culture is the litmus test for sustainment

Customer Journey Mapping is a great exercise to connect work to purpose and collaborate to think systemically.  As an experienced lean practitioner I have spent many days using Value Stream Mapping for similar reasons.  IDEO shares some typical failure modes for Customer Journey Mapping – they are remarkably similar to those in VSM

Leading & Enabling Excellence

Leaders resist the temptation to rescue people from their own learning and put the work where it belongs.  Corrine Armour shares 5 leadership lessons she learned at Harvard.  

When you're a successful founder and micromanager, it's hard to learn to let go.  Here's how  Danny Meyer, creator of Shake Shack, learned to set up systems to drive behaviour rather than overseeing all employees and decisions

We usually associate burnout with excessive workload, but this is only part of the story.  HBR describes 6 Causes of Burnout and How to Avoid Them.

Coaching – Developing Self & Others

Most people multi-task because they think this makes them efficient.  Multi-tasking means effectiveness suffers, and the feeling of efficiency is little more than self-delusion that poses risk.  Take more breaks, and focus on the task at hand.  More in the New York Times piece The High Price of Multi-tasking. 

Why are ignorant people so confident in their knowledge?  CBC features a deeper dive on the Dunning-Kruger effect in How Ignorance Makes Us Cocky.

Want to be a better coach?  Make coaching a habit using the OLGA method.

Books, Podcasts, Videos

No one starting  a business today is building a rigid bureaucracy.  Organizations want innovation, creativity, connection and not command and control.  Deborah Ancona and Kate Isaacs visited PARC and WL Gore to learn about how to construct an organizational culture conducive to innovation and share with us what they discovered in The 3 Types of Leaders of Innovative Companies.  

Dr. Eric Topol discussed Intelligent Medicine on Making Sense with Sam Harris.  Warning: you might want to skip over the first 5 minutes of IDW political statements and get right to the discussion with Dr. Topol. 

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Ryan McCormack
Ryan is an operational excellence professional with over 18 years experience practicing continuous improvement in healthcare, insurance, food manufacturing, and aerospace. He is an avid student of the application of Lean principles in work and life to create measurably better value.


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