A Webinar About “Measures of Success” Case Studies [Recording]


As I blogged about in this series of posts, I presented a webinar yesterday that was hosted by KaiNexus.

You can register to view the slides and recordings, but I'll also embed the YouTube videos below.

As I mentioned in the webinar, text descriptions of performance measures might be interesting, but they don't provide much context or insight.

  • 352 registrations
  • That's the second most this year
  • Registrations today are above average
  • Registrations are up 26.6% from last month

All of those bullet points would make me say, “So what?” Was the number of registrations yesterday something that represented “noise” (or typical performance) or was it a “signal” that something was different?

We have, of course, a Process Behavior Chart that I maintain for the number of registrations:

Historically, the number of registrations fluctuates within a fairly predictable range. Some webinars are above average and some are below average. The one exception was a webinar that Jess Orr presented on the application of A3 thinking to everyday life. 

Her webinar had over 700 registrations, which is above the calculated Upper Natural Process Limit. That's a “signal” and it was worth asking “what changed?” or “what was different?” We didn't really have a good answer. When Jess did a follow up “deep dive” webinar, we both promoted it the same way… and fewer people registered. We had a strong, but unsustained, change in our system.

By the way, Jess is doing a new webinar for us in January (“Applying Strategy Deployment to Your Personal Goals”) and you can register now

Back to our webinar Process Behavior chart… my webinar yesterday had a registration number that is well within the range of “noise.” It's not a good use of time to ask why registrations went up (or to ask why registrations were lower the previous month).

The number goes up, the number goes down. Sometimes, it goes up twice or three times in a row… or you get two or three that are above or below average. It's not worth explaining or reacting to. But, we can still work to improve our webinar system — coming up with topics that have broader interest, promote the webinars differently, etc. 

We can improve a “predictable system” — we just need to do so in systematic ways (we can do an A3 for structured problem solving, as Jess presented about).

Anyway, here is the recording of the webinar, followed by two “bonus” videos with content that I couldn't fit into the 45-minute webinar. For the slides, click here. I had a little fun with a really bad, made-up game show called “Is It A Signal?” Play along…

Thanks for checking it out. I'll be taking some time away for Christmas and the New Year. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays. Here's “Gemba Clause”:

Time for Some Holiday Downtime… and Gemba Claus is Comin' to Town

Until next year…

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Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.


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